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An art camp for young ladies with an Anne of Green Gables theme, how cool is that?!

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My sister decided to hostess an art camp for our neice and 3 of her friends. They are on their last day of the 4 day camp. She invited me to do a photography class, and they have also done cardmaking, jewelry making, watercolor (taught by my sister's beloved high school art teacher), flower arranging, scrapbooking, cooking, and more. They are hostessing a tea party for their mothers (and me!) today. I can't wait to attend.


You won't believe how picturesque it all is. They are staying in a large white event tent in the middle of a beautiful garden, previously our home/garden/gift shop location. The small shop buildings have been turned into art rooms. I have pictures up here.


They all picked characters from the Anne of Green Gables books for camp names. I was Miss Stacy. :) My sister has the movie sound track playing on outdoor speakers. They had a little free time a couple days ago and were laying under some gorgeous willow trees taking turns reading The Lady of Shallot and each memorizing portions of it. All four of the girls are wonderful, imaginative, sweet, homeschooled girls.


I so wish I had the opportunity to do something like that when I was in middle school!! I don't even have any girls to send along!

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My sister decided to hostess an art camp for our neice and 3 of her friends. They are on their last day of the 4 day camp. She invited me to do a photography class, and they have also done cardmaking, jewelry making, watercolor (taught by my sister's beloved high school art teacher), flower arranging, scrapbooking, cooking, and more. They are hostessing a tea party for their mothers (and me!) today. I can't wait to attend.


You won't believe how picturesque it all is. They are staying in a large white event tent in the middle of a beautiful garden, previously our home/garden/gift shop location. The small shop buildings have been turned into art rooms. I have pictures up here.


They all picked characters from the Anne of Green Gables books for camp names. I was Miss Stacy. :) My sister has the movie sound track playing on outdoor speakers. They had a little free time a couple days ago and were laying under some gorgeous willow trees taking turns reading The Lady of Shallot and each memorizing portions of it. All four of the girls are wonderful, imaginative, sweet, homeschooled girls.


I so wish I had the opportunity to do something like that when I was in middle school!! I don't even have any girls to send along!


:svengo: That would have been my idea of heaven when I was that age. Your sister is a genius!

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