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Book a Week in 2014 - BW50

Robin M

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Nan - re: "journeys" v. other words like, forex, "trip" - For me, a journey connotes lingering along the way, going overland rather than by plane, with frequent stops along the way to see and do stuff, rather than focusing wholly and efficiently on the destination.  Last month we flew to Barcelona, stayed for five days, and flew home: that's a trip.  Last spring we drove to St Simon GA, stopping many times along the way at state parks, staying in cities we hadn't been to, eating in offbeat places... that's a journey.



Thinking about this some more - I think a trip is something you take when you have to go someplace, but a journey is something you make when it is going to take longer than a day to get to your destination.  Journey also implies, for me anyway, a deeper purpose than just to get milk from the store or flying to Florida to visit my mother-in-law.  Journey implies some hardship on the way, I think.  Journeys to me tend to imply going by boat, since that is the most common thing I do that involves more-than-a-day-to-get-there.


Shukriyya, I think my associations with the word journey are way too seasicky, salt itchy, hair greasy, skin sunscreeny, bone achy, fog fearing, weather watching,  and ice and water lasting worryful to be anything like yours. : )



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This post is because some of you will probably enjoy learning about a British Christmas tradition that I have seen mentioned in a couple of Cozy Mysteries lately. Our Church is doing the community Christingle Service this afternoon. http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/what-you-can-do/fundraising-and-events/christingle/what-christingle. This service is really popular. For many this is the only service they attend during the year. Individual schools have been using our church this week having their own. Raises lots of money and kids love it. The songs are different. This is one we use http://www.msgr.ca/msgr-2/christingle%20hymn%20the%20christingle%20begins%20with%20an%20orange.htm

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...and because I was sharing a Fred Small song, here's another (and timely as Chanukah approaches and the board discusses volatile issues):  Not in Our Town


Eliana, you've probably already seen this, but I was searching for your Fred song (I'm working on collecting 8 nights' worth of youtube delights for Chanukah, so please keep them coming...) and came across this documentary about the same real life event:



Let there be light...

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This post is because some of you will probably enjoy learning about a British Christmas tradition that I have seen mentioned in a couple of Cozy Mysteries lately. Our Church is doing the community Christingle Service this afternoon. http://www.childrenssociety.org.uk/what-you-can-do/fundraising-and-events/christingle/what-christingle. This service is really popular. For many this is the only service they attend during the year. Individual schools have been using our church this week having their own. Raises lots of money and kids love it. The songs are different. This is one we use http://www.msgr.ca/msgr-2/christingle%20hymn%20the%20christingle%20begins%20with%20an%20orange.htm


This is a new one for me!  I forwarded your links to Archaeology Boy to see if he had heard of it.  Nope.


By the way, the Boy flies home Friday evening!!

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