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Wii U? PS3?


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Our Wii just broke. I actually like Mario, even though I never get to play it seems. I think it was 8 years old. I can have it fixed for $85, or I can buy a Wii U or PS3, or we can just go without. I like game systems in that everyone can play together. 


Anyone have opinions or reviews of these things or anything? The children still at home basically are 13, 10, 5, 3, and -4 months. So plenty of kids to get years of stuff out of them.


I can honestly say no to XBOX. I do not buy war games at all, ever. And I am not interested in paying for an internet account just to make it run. I am kind of leaning toward just getting it fixed because I am not seeing how Wii U is different other than that it has a hand held thing and I do not get the point of a hand held device with something like this. So if someone could explain that, it would help.

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We have a wii u and an xbox (but no war games???). With the ages of your kids, and the games you already own, I'd get the Wii U. If your kids were older, serious gamers, or wanted to do online play, I might recommend the PS. My impression is that it's preferred by the more intense gamers who play with people outside their own homes.

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With the brand new Super Smash Bros for Wii-U, up to 8 people can play at one time if you have enough controllers.  Keep all your Wii peripherals and upgrade to the Wii-U.  We love ours and don't regret the upgrade at all.  We're finally seeing some really cool things coming from Nintendo for this system.  With the new Mariokart 8 (which is AWESOME, btw) they released some downloadable content that you could purchase and add to the game.  Completely added to the game and was worth every penny.  I'm expecting some cool new DLC with Smash Bros and other games going forward.  


The game pad itself has been wonderful because it allows the kids to play Wii-U without having to use the TV screen.  So on football Sundays, for example, DH can be watching the Packer game and DS can play Super Mario- there's no crabby person in the household because they can only do one thing at a time.

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I wouldn't pay $85 to have your old Wii repaired, as you can buy a refurbished one for about the same price and get a warranty on it.


I'm not sure where you are getting the impression that the XBox systems mainly offer war games, because that is simply not true at all. Both XBox and Playstation systems offer plenty of games suitable for kids and teens.


But... it sounds like you prefer Wii games, so if you're on a budget, you could get a used/refurbished Wii, and if you are OK with spending more, go for the Wii-U, which will give you many more options than the old Wii.


If I were you, before I bought anything, I would have the kids do some shopping to see which system offers the best selection of games that they might like. My ds has gotten very little use out of his Wii-U, and has rarely used his XBox One. He uses the PS4 a bit, but hasn't found too many games for it. XBox 360 and PS3 were much bigger hits, as was the PS Vita. The 3DS wasn't used as much as the Vita, but when he was younger, he got a ton of use out of the DS Lite. (We still have the older consoles and handhelds as well, but he never uses them.)

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