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Live Theater?

What kind of live theater to you enjoy?  

  1. 1. What kind of live theater to you enjoy?

    • Musicals
    • Avant-garde shows/performance art
    • Traditional Drama or Comedy
    • Other (please explain)
    • Some combination of the above (includes all of the above)

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Our kids are involved with musical theater so we love that, of course. We've seen everything from small high school productions to shows on Broadway...they're all fun. We like musicals best but do see our share of straight plays...usually either comedies or dramas.

I'm not really into the artsy stuff, and things like opera don't interest us.

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Another thespian mom here! In fact I'm off in an hour for an actors workshop. Oldest wants to be an actress, please save me! :lol: We see as much live theater as we can afford. Everything from Shakespeare to local community theater. Dh dislikes musicals, so the girls and I go without him when one is in town.

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I've only been to kids' productions, but would love to see a real Broadway type musical in person. Wow.


By the way, can someone clear something up for me - what is the difference between theater and theatre? My brain auto-types theatre, but then I noticed previous posters both typed theater. I could look it up but I'm to lazy. :D

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I love live theater.


Some of my favorite plays I have seen live:


almost anything by Neil Simon, especially The Goodbye Girl


almost anything by Tom Stoppard, especially Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead


Shakespearean plays


Greek tragedies


But...what's your audience? And what sort of casting do you have available or desire?

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I've noticed that as I've gotten older (and had kids--does that have anything to do with it?) that my attention span is shorter and I'm likely to fall asleep during long shows (movies included). Music helps keep my attention!


I'm also not a strong auditory learner (words) and even though live performances ARE visual, I need the music to help me comprehend the words.

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I'm so glad we have the Alley Theatre and Houston Grand Opera. They are one of the best things about living here. I personally like a variety of different genres and the Alley rarely disappoints me even when they do some experimental pieces. HGO is noted for new and less produced operas and sometimes they're great. Last season's Billy Budd was my hand's down favorite.

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But...what's your audience? And what sort of casting do you have available or desire?


I haven't decided. But for several years now I've been toying with the idea of starting a new theater in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, since none of the ones currently active, amateur or professional, do the kind of shows I enjoy.


It'll initially be amateur, but the goal is a professional stock company that can roll out a variety of shows on demand. I'm a big fan of Mamet, Coward, Stoppard, Ionesco, Pirandello, and Albee for 20th century non-musical shows.


I'm a huge fan of Restoration comedies, Jacobean dramas, and the Commedia tradition from the Continent. Shakespeare, and his predecessors in medieval English drama.


And I think there's always a need for great musicals, truly the American art form.


I might also try to work some Panto in, but that doesn't do well with most US audiences. Something about men dressed as women and women dressed as men...


But this is the first public mention I've made of these plans. I thought I'd see what a reasonably random subset of a self-selected sample of educated women might be interested in.

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I'm so glad we have the Alley Theatre and Houston Grand Opera. They are one of the best things about living here. I personally like a variety of different genres and the Alley rarely disappoints me even when they do some experimental pieces. HGO is noted for new and less produced operas and sometimes they're great. Last season's Billy Budd was my hand's down favorite.


A buddy of mine from college works with the Alley now. I'm hoping to get down Houston way in the next few months to hang out with him.

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We cherish live theater. However, I plead guilty to an ingrained distaste for musicals.


One of our family's holiday traditions is to see David Sedaris's "Holidays on Ice," a one-man play about his experience working as an elf at Macy's in New York. We've also enjoyed the more traditional comedy, "A Tuna Christmas."


I lean toward traditional and cutting-edge comedy and drama. Am having trouble remembering titles of some of my favorites, but "Blue Orange" was fascinating. Typically enjoy anything by David Mamet. "Proof" was a good one. Oh yeah, Tennessee Williams with his simmering-beneath-the-surface-repressed-sexuality. August Wilson.

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We see pretty much everything we can (except that I have recently sworn off children's theatre . . . for the second or third time).


We started buying season tickets for the Shakespeare festival when my daughter was 8, because she fell in love with going.


We are also big fans of the annual festival of new plays sponsored by the Shakespeare theatre and try to make it to a few readings and workshops there every year.


We have bought season tickets for the Broadway tour series a couple of times, but it's so very expensive. Nonetheless, we usually make it to at least one big touring musical a year.


We buy individual tickets for various shows at local theatres as the fancy strikes.


We also have season tickets for the ballet, but that's different, I know. And we see an occasional opera, when there's something special.


In general, we have tickets to something performance-y once or twice a month.


In addition, both of my kids are into performance stuff. My daughter is specifically into musical theatre, although she is still a big Shakespeare fan and will generally see anything "good." My son dances and sings and does some theatre when he can work it into his schedule (or when he can convince me to bend his schedule to accomodate it).


Like I said, All of Them!


P.S. - I should clarify that by "children's theatre" I mean live theatre specifically targeted to a child-heavy audience. I am consistently irritated by the low quality and low expectations that most of those productions seem to promote.

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I love musical and plays, both comedies and tragedies! I love ethnic pieces as well, just not as into some of the performance pieces--I went to one in NY once, a friend in college, where she sat the whole time with an apple in her hand, looking at it, then, in the last five minutes, ate it. NOT my thing! And that wasn't the worst I've seen, sad to say! (not that they're all like that!)


My fave has always been London theater--I liked NY, but not as much as London. Right now, I'd take basically anything, though :).

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Shakespeare, definitely---but I prefer more traditional staging and costumes.


Kid's theater---my middle daughter has been in several plays, and I've thoroughly enjoyed seeing all of them. While some moms may be soccer moms, I got more thrill out of being a "stage mom".


Musicals---I really like these! I played piano for a number of years and accompanied two high school musicals: "Guys and Dolls" and "Once Upon a Mattress". I loved the former; the latter was OK. We watched "Singing in the Rain" the other night on TV, and although I can't dance to save my life, we thoroughly enjoyed watching Gene Kelly and Donald O'Connor.


Best wishes to you in starting another theater! I love the idea.

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