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Another HOD question


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I chose HOD at first  because of a weird set of personalities we have among my kidlets.  My current 13yods is a very quiet kind of guy but my current 11 yods is very, umm . . . the nice way to say it is enthusiastic (some might say over-bearing :) )  When we were doing curriculum that combined the two of them, the younger was over-shadowing the older:  picking up on ideas quicker, narrating more thoroughly, easily writing and just in general making the older feel like a failure.  HOD allowed me to split the two of them up and gave me plans that were workable without me needed to take too much time away from my younger kids.


As we moved into HOD, I began to love it for the skill development that I saw happening.  Because of the specific skills that are emphasized in each guide, each kid is able to progress at their own levels.  It is possible for that to happen, of course, with TOG, BP, or any of the other curriculum that combines different ages, but Mom really has to make that happen.  HOD allows for that to happen without me needing to worry about it and gives me the guidance I need to make sure that it is happening.


We also love the move to reasonable independence that we see as we continue up through the guides.

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What does this mean?


TOG freely admits that when you first start using it you can expect the "six-week fog" to settle in.  It means that you will be really confused, or over-whelmed for the first six weeks that you try to use the material mainly just because there is so much of it.  

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I owned Bigger for awhile. After looking through it, I decided I didn't need the guide. So we just used some of the books. Plus, we're a weird family:) who combines kids at that age.  So we often just use the books from the younger guides and combine K-3 in content subjects.  I use CM type narration for assignments.

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I am using HOD right now for a similar reason that another poster mentioned. My youngest daughter tends to overshadow her older sister. This really frustrates my oldest. Both are very smart, but my oldest can sometimes be in her own world and she ends up not being the one to answer. The skill progression seems really good so far. My oldest grew so much in Little Hearts. She is in Beyond now and loving it. We are slowly starting Little Hearts with my newly-turned 5 year old.

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I used TOG for 5 years and switched to HOD this year mostly because I wanted Bible integrated and something scheduled out for me.  I am doing two guides this year. I also did it because I knew I would have handed my 4th grader the books to read in TOG without discussion (because TOG doesn't included discussion at that age).  That is a problem because I'm not sure he understands everything he reads.  I really like HOD because it includes all the comprehension questions for younger grades and integrates Bible into the guide.  Because I am a tweaker, I have a different math, a different science (just because there was a co-op opportunity), and a different writing program only because I have done it for years and know it works with my kids.  I also needed something simpler for my youngest.  My kids know exactly what to expect each day and I like the ease of it.  I think HOD does the younger years better.  I don't know if I'll continue it through junior high/high school, but I do like HOD for my elementary kids.



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