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Exercise Thread ~ November 16th-22nd


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Question for y'all, what do you eat? Anything special? Anything you avoid?


I also eat basically what I want. I also don't buy a lot of processed foods. Chips find their way into the house and when they do I attack them, unfortunately. I limit processed sugar not eliminate it. Today, for example, is my youngest son's birthday. So we had powdered donuts for breakfast and I had a pumpkin spice chai tea (pumpkin flavored coconut milk I bought yesterday). I'm also making a cake later which will be loaded with sugar. But on regular days I use stevia as a sugar substitute. I eat a lot of fruit although I know I should eat more veggies. Fruit is just easier I guess. 


The one thing I don't eat ever is gluten, but that is only because I have celiac disease. If I had a choice those powdered donuts on my table right now would be regular donuts from Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Kreme. I don't have that choice so they are the super-make-me-want-to-faint-from-the-cost gluten free donuts.  



Thought to recommend

, which I just did. 

I love Tracy Mallet! It's her voice. So lovely. I want more of her DVDs but they are pricey. I won't be able to do such an arm workout for a while. Should still really really sore. 



I'm supposed to run with my eldest today at some point. He's supposed to be training for his run which he needs to do for his black belt test next month. He's done nothing so far. However, I do need to bake a cake, wrap presents, do chores, make dinner for tonight and tomorrow, and make lunches for tomorrow so not sure when to fit in a run. 

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No workout today.  I think I'm getting sick again!  Some sort of stomach thing.  I feel a bit dizzy and decided lifting heavy weights over my head while dizzy is probably a bad idea. :)  But I need to shout out that I did a 16kg TGU on Saturday. That was my first time doing a full Get-up with 35#.  I did a total of 2 with that weight on each side. :)  Now for the day when I can snatch the 16kg.

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No workout today.  I think I'm getting sick again!  Some sort of stomach thing.  I feel a bit dizzy and decided lifting heavy weights over my head while dizzy is probably a bad idea. :)  But I need to shout out that I did a 16kg TGU on Saturday. That was my first time doing a full Get-up with 35#.  I did a total of 2 with that weight on each side. :)  Now for the day when I can snatch the 16kg.


Amazing work on the TGU!!     I also want to learn some O lifting.  


Don't get sick!  NOOOOOOoooooooo! 

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Negin, let us know how the keratin treatment went. I remember when my hair was transitioning to curly I strongly considered getting one. I didn't know at the time I was getting all new hair or I wouldn't have been so worried.


So, dh is finally back from all his travels. No more out of town until January.  We are still in nutcracker madness and will be for a month longer.  I have come up with a (hopefully) manageable exercise plan for the rest of this month and December. It isn't anything too stressful so all I need to do is Do IT!


Today was 30 mins of Leslie Sansone walking and then 15 mins of lower body work.

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Martial arts tonight. Did "smurf" push-ups: you start flat on your face and belly then push up only a few inches -up and down without touching the floor. I can do exactly... None. Instead I just held my belly and nose off the floor in a sort of plank- couldn't even clear my not well endowed chest. I guess I now know what strength areas I need to work on.

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Negin, let us know how the keratin treatment went. I remember when my hair was transitioning to curly I strongly considered getting one. I didn't know at the time I was getting all new hair or I wouldn't have been so worried.


I've been having keratin treatments off and on for a few years now. Sometimes, my hair seems to do better with them. Other times, it doesn't seem to take to it as well, if you know what I mean. It's too early to tell. I usually need some time. The best approach for me seems to be to try to be more regular and vigilant about having them done every 5-6 months. If I wait too long, the frizz gets out of control. My hair is not curly. If it was, I would probably embrace the curls. The older I get, the more frizz I have. That's why I have them done. I'd rather have keratin treatments to reduce the frizz than many other treatments. The keratin doesn't take away the frizz completely. I wish it would! It just reduces it greatly until new growth occurs.  

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I like her also. You might have already seen many of her workout segments on You Tube


Thanks! I spent some time going through her videos and did three this morning. HIIT, Fat Blast, and pilates. Very fun. Still have to be careful doing moves on my tailbone. 11 months, people, 11 months. 


Oh, and this may be vain but, I loved seeing Tracy in the Fat Blast video because you can see all of her belly and the way her skin is when she bends is exactly how mine is. Just that bit of extra lose skin that no matter what you do does not go away. I'm happy to see that even a super fitness expert has the same thing I do. Good to remember that perfection is fiction. 


Sledding coming up after I finish my coffee.

I'm going to repeat my above rant.....11 months. Just keep that in mind as you're sledding. I broke my tailbone sledding. Pad your behind!!!



Martial arts tonight. Did "smurf" push-ups: you start flat on your face and belly then push up only a few inches -up and down without touching the floor. I can do exactly... None. Instead I just held my belly and nose off the floor in a sort of plank- couldn't even clear my not well endowed chest. I guess I now know what strength areas I need to work on.

Of course, I had to try them. I've done them before but never heard them called smurf push ups. I great way to get stronger for that move is yoga. Chaturanga done slowly over and over is how I build strength. Chaturanga to down dog back to chaturanga over and over. Also tricep dips. Good luck. 

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Of course, I had to try them. I've done them before but never heard them called smurf push ups. I great way to get stronger for that move is yoga. Chaturanga done slowly over and over is how I build strength. Chaturanga to down dog back to chaturanga over and over. Also tricep dips. Good luck. 

I was going to say the same thing.  Chaturanga to up dog no knees.  My shoulders die.


It is -8 this morning so I did an hour of pretty strenuous yoga, then I went to the living room and Classical Stretch was on.  I'd never seen it or done it but you guys must have mentioned it.  I did two shows of that.  My 7 yo woke up and said "Oh, we do that in ballet."  Strong little things those ballerinas.  I hope to go to the Y and walk a 10K while dd is at her class.  You can't run on their indoor track except at specified times but I'll walk fast.  It'll have to do.  My body is not ready for winter.  

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Blah, definitely have some stomach thing, but I was able to do kettlebell this morning.  It was a nice strength workout.  I had wanted to do some yoga later, but I'm now thinking that is not an option.


I'm also supposed to make a lentil/barley dish for my son for a school project.  The idea of cooking the leeks and onions does not seem good......


Those smurf push-ups sound hard.  There's a Kundalini routine on YogaGlo that does, I think, 72 chaturangas in a row.  It's tough. 

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I did 45 mins of Tracy Anderson. It was SO COLD and that made it hard to change my clothes, but I did it. I swear the weather has a bigger impact on my exercise than anything else. It's too hot or it's too cold.... :svengo:


I got my stuff to do PT on my injured elbow. It was really unpleasant. I like my 'stick' for massage, but the theraband thing is brutal. I can see it is going to become my nemisis.

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About to do 5 Miles of Leslie.


  Keratin treatments here are super pricey.   

They're a bit more reasonable here. I tell myself that since I have it done every 6 months or so, it doesn't work out to be that expensive when I spread the cost out ;). My hair seriously needs it. 


Still have to be careful doing moves on my tailbone. 11 months, people, 11 months. 




Blah, definitely have some stomach thing


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Blah, definitely have some stomach thing, but I was able to do kettlebell this morning.  It was a nice strength workout.  I had wanted to do some yoga later, but I'm now thinking that is not an option.


I'm also supposed to make a lentil/barley dish for my son for a school project.  The idea of cooking the leeks and onions does not seem good......


Those smurf push-ups sound hard.  There's a Kundalini routine on YogaGlo that does, I think, 72 chaturangas in a row.  It's tough. 

Hopefully you're feeling better today.  72! Just. Can. Not.


Y'all are so esoteric, I had to look up chaturanga. Turns out it's something I do a modified version of in my yoga-Pilates video :lol:


It's getting colder and I'm hoping my exercise gear is going to keep me warm enough as the season progresses.

Not esoteric, just what they call it in class so....If they had called them yipperskippers I would too. :lol:


I did 45 mins of Tracy Anderson. It was SO COLD and that made it hard to change my clothes, but I did it. I swear the weather has a bigger impact on my exercise than anything else. It's too hot or it's too cold.... :svengo:


I got my stuff to do PT on my injured elbow. It was really unpleasant. I like my 'stick' for massage, but the theraband thing is brutal. I can see it is going to become my nemisis.

Be careful with the elbow.  That really hurts.




It was up to 13 so went for a run this morning.  Well sort of a run.  I couldn't go too fast because of the ice/snow so more of a brisk trot but still better than being stuck inside.  I continue in my campaign to move to warmer climes.

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Y'all are so esoteric, I had to look up chaturanga. Turns out it's something I do a modified version of in my yoga-Pilates video :lol:


It's getting colder and I'm hoping my exercise gear is going to keep me warm enough as the season progresses.

I had to look it up too:) The funny thing is I can do tricep dips all day long so I think the problem is that I'm not getting my muscles to work together. I end up super sore on the front of my shoulders only. I think Chaturanga looks perfect for working through that issue- I need to get a yoga video or if you yoga women can suggest an online free workout.... hint hint. My sensei really motivated me when he pointed out that you need that strength when grappling for escapes. Especially "unfriendly" grappling.


Tuesday night: More smurfs and shoulder workout during Martial Arts. I'm loving working on Heain Yondan.

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I did 45 mins of Tracy Anderson. It was SO COLD and that made it hard to change my clothes, but I did it. I swear the weather has a bigger impact on my exercise than anything else. It's too hot or it's too cold.... :svengo:



Same here. Nothing interferes as much as cold weather for me. When I'm cold I just shut down. 



I did DA Hot Body Yoga this morning. Thanks, Negin. 

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This stomach thing has me down for the count, so no workout today.  On the plus side, I'm not really eating much.......

 Oh you poor thing. I hope it passes quickly and you recover in record time.


Hey, at least this isn't thanksgiving.


I did a 3 mile 'walk' with Leslie Sansone, which took a little less than 40 mins. I jog through most of it and I jump etc for lots of the moves. If I don't do that I won't break a sweat.  The cat must think I am insane.


I have done two of my three PT sessions for my elbow. It isn't feeling any better but I wouldn't expect it to after one day. However, the good news is that what I have been doing hasn't made it feel any worse. And given how much it hurts when I do it, I expected it was going to feel a whole lot worse, but it isn't.


And if anyone is wondering what hurts so much, google 'tyler twist'. I do that 15 times (4 seconds each twist) for 3 times a day, plus a couple other things. And I use a massage stick on my forearm, and any other part of me while I am at it, lol. I like the stick better than rolling because I can do it while doing other things. I can stand and do a math lesson while rolling out my quad muscle, lol.


Forget the cat, the kids must think I am insane as well

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Nothing :(. Got more than 8 hours of sleep, however.


I keep laughing at how my Profile Picture keeps changing on these boards. Back and forth, back and forth  :lol:. 


When it comes to chaturangas - I hate, hate, hate them. I also hate Sun Salutations. I used to have a yoga teacher who was obsessed with them. There was a thread a while back on the VF forums about this and I was surprised as to how many feel the same way. They even listed the DVDs without Sun Salutations. When it comes to chaturangas, I just do a plank and try my best. Sun Salutations, especially very rapid ones which I find annoying - I just stay in Downward Dog. 


This stomach thing has me down for the count, so no workout today.  


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I got some dvds from the library for variety. Cause you all know how I get bored. 


This morning I did Bob Harper Ripped Core. I dropped the weight amount when my shoulder started screaming at me. Right now plank is really hard due to my shoulder. It was all the side plank moves in the Ballet Body dvd that injured my shoulder in the first place. 


Anyway, the Bob Harper dvd was a fun change and nice and challenging. My core could take it but my shoulder was wimpy. 

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Wednesday: 3 mile brisk walk with dh during brief sunshine.


Last week my Physical Therapist did the whole fat ratio/weight and measurement thingy. Ick- I did not like it. He wants me to work on adding muscle and aim for gaining weight. About 5 more pounds. I don't normally concentrate on weight or scales- now I've actually lost motivation because I can't run and gain weight and suddenly I feel like a slug.


So I ate a bag of M&Ms instead:(

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Yesterday I donned ds's rain gear over my workout clothes and headed out for a delightful rainy hill hike. It was actually pretty nice since I was dressed for it and the quality of light was so different than it normally is due to the grey skies. Also did my yoga-pilates vid, some hang time and a short hike with the pup who, despite her rain gear, doesn't seem to be as keen as I am on being out in inclement weather ;)


Today is a sort of easy day, hang time and a hill hike.


I realize I never weighed in on my own food question. I eat a lot of chocolate, nuts, greens and squashes, fermented foods, hardly any fruit whatsoever and almost no grains. Meat eater as well. Current faves are kabocha squash and a homemade soup of various pureed greens.


Kim, hope you're feeling better by now. Redsquirrel has the right attitude about timing :)

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Good morning ladies.    Having a cuppa then will start my day.   I did my thing yesterday, and today WO, stretch roll.  You know, same old, same old boring, mentally draining, but gets the job done WO.

This stomach thing has me down for the count, so no workout today.  On the plus side, I'm not really eating much.......


Are you starting to feel better? 



And if anyone is wondering what hurts so much, google 'tyler twist'. I do that 15 times (4 seconds each twist) for 3 times a day, plus a couple other things. And I use a massage stick on my forearm, and any other part of me while I am at it, lol. I like the stick better than rolling because I can do it while doing other things. I can stand and do a math lesson while rolling out my quad muscle, lol.


Forget the cat, the kids must think I am insane as well



You must assimilate the kids..LOL   Have them stretch while you teach the lesson...


Wednesday: 3 mile brisk walk with dh during brief sunshine.

Last week my Physical Therapist did the whole fat ratio/weight and measurement thingy. Ick- I did not like it. He wants me to work on adding muscle and aim for gaining weight. About 5 more pounds. I don't normally concentrate on weight or scales- now I've actually lost motivation because I can't run and gain weight and suddenly I feel like a slug.

So I ate a bag of M&Ms instead:(

Are M&Ms your poison?

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Martial arts tonight. Did "smurf" push-ups: you start flat on your face and belly then push up only a few inches -up and down without touching the floor. I can do exactly... None. Instead I just held my belly and nose off the floor in a sort of plank- couldn't even clear my not well endowed chest. I guess I now know what strength areas I need to work on.

Oh, you poor thing. See, I'm ahead of you on this. If I lay like that my chest doesn't touch the floor anyway.  :laugh:


Nothing :(. Got more than 8 hours of sleep, however.


I keep laughing at how my Profile Picture keeps changing on these boards. Back and forth, back and forth  :lol:. 


When it comes to chaturangas - I hate, hate, hate them. I also hate Sun Salutations. I used to have a yoga teacher who was obsessed with them. There was a thread a while back on the VF forums about this and I was surprised as to how many feel the same way. They even listed the DVDs without Sun Salutations. When it comes to chaturangas, I just do a plank and try my best. Sun Salutations, especially very rapid ones which I find annoying - I just stay in Downward Dog. 



Yes. I love it when you quote me and I have one picture in the notification and a different one in the post.







Took 5 much needed days off. Insanity 21/60, 100 Push up Challenge.

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Wednesday: 3 mile brisk walk with dh during brief sunshine.


Last week my Physical Therapist did the whole fat ratio/weight and measurement thingy. Ick- I did not like it. He wants me to work on adding muscle and aim for gaining weight. About 5 more pounds. I don't normally concentrate on weight or scales- now I've actually lost motivation because I can't run and gain weight and suddenly I feel like a slug.


So I ate a bag of M&Ms instead:(

I hate hate when I need to try and gain weight. Ugh. I can never eat as much as I'm "supposed" to. I started adding more nuts/nut butters because that's an easy way to add a lot of calories. I have to say that's one reason why I mostly stopped using My Fitness Pal. It was always telling me I wasn't eating enough. I don't think my metabolism is as fast as that app thinks. So, I just went back to eating when I'm hungry. 



This morning I woke up sore all over. I needed a day off and to stretch so this morning I spent doing a quick low inpact to warm up, then lower and upper body active stretching, and finally lower back stretching. 

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Good Morning all!  I hope everyone is well- especially Snickerdoodle.


Thursday: weights and HIIT workout then martial arts class.  We spent the evening throwing each other. It was a blast.  The next time I see my 22 yo ds who is over 6 foot and probably weighs close to 200 pounds I'm going to make him let me try to throw him.  I can't wait and he'll be amused.


M&Ms are not my poison normally- actually I think they are poison- I could taste the dye; it spoiled the chocolate.  I feel better now though.  Being weighed and measured just brought back all sorts of yucky P.E. in middle school feelings.  Crazy- since I'm 47.  I much prefer working on strength goals (like better push ups) or accomplishment goals (running faster or being able to kick with greater skill and power) than measurement of my body goals.  

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I would also hate measurement of my body as a goal.  Sounds depressing.  


I was finally feeling better yesterday. Yesterday was my yoga day, and I enjoyed an hour of Brikam yoga.  Today was kettlebell.  I was able to do all of my front squats with my 44# bell, and lunges with my 35# bell.  I was shakey by the end (still recovering, I think) so I didn't add on any cardio, such as swing sets.  I hope for some yoga time later. 



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Nice balance you've got there, Snickerdoodle ;)


I've done most of my hang-time, taken a cross-country hike with the pup, done my yoga-pilates video and will head out for my hill-hike in a bit. I'm feeling a little 'off' today, tired, the tiniest bit queasy, not 100%. Hill hike will perhaps be more challenging today.

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Wednesday: 3 mile brisk walk with dh during brief sunshine.

Last week my Physical Therapist did the whole fat ratio/weight and measurement thingy. Ick- I did not like it. He wants me to work on adding muscle and aim for gaining weight. About 5 more pounds. I don't normally concentrate on weight or scales- now I've actually lost motivation because I can't run and gain weight and suddenly I feel like a slug.

So I ate a bag of M&Ms instead:(



I hate hate when I need to try and gain weight. Ugh. I can never eat as much as I'm "supposed" to. I started adding more nuts/nut butters because that's an easy way to add a lot of calories. I have to say that's one reason why I mostly stopped using My Fitness Pal. It was always telling me I wasn't eating enough. I don't think my metabolism is as fast as that app thinks. So, I just went back to eating when I'm hungry. 



This morning I woke up sore all over. I needed a day off and to stretch so this morning I spent doing a quick low inpact to warm up, then lower and upper body active stretching, and finally lower back stretching.


After working hard to get to this weight ain't nobody convincing me to gain :) .

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Friday- 3 mile walk with dh.


Saturday- 2 hour open mat. I'm hoping for mostly kata work, kick drills and some grappling. Followed by Cosco which on the weekend before Thanksgiving should count as some sort of workout.

Brave woman!


I woke up to rain so hikes and dog walking will be interesting today ;)


MA folks, what kind of MA do you practice? If I were to do anything aikido is what most draws me.

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