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We could be moving...prayers please!


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So if you're the praying type, I would LOVE your prayers on my family's behalf! Here's the story:


DH was doing some work on a house in our area that is bank-owned and having some issues.  He's been working on it for a year now. I told him way back when that I thought maybe we should move into that house.  Fast forward about ten months (to two months ago) and the landlord of the house on the corner (not ours, we own our house) came to me and said he'd be interested in buying our house as an investment property should we ever want to sell.  I thought, "Okay, well great, but we aren't moving. We have nowhere to go." The house DH was working on had a buyer lined up at the time so I figured it wasn't ours.


But this month, DH finished the work on the house and the buyers apparently backed out awhile ago because they weren't interested in waiting for all the work to be done, etc.  So we prayed about it and decided to talk to the lady at the bank who told us to "make an offer." I called and got our pre-approval done in two hours.  Two hours! Isn't that crazy fast? The bank has since given us a price they'd be happy with, so all that is left is to get the investor across the street on board with buying our current home.  He and his GF came to see the place on Sunday and wanted until Friday (tomorrow) to make a decision.  


So please pray that God's will be done in this situation, that if we are supposed to move, the right buyer will come forward quickly for our current house so that we can get into the new house fast! Please also pray that if we aren't supposed to move right now, that God will make that clear to both of us. 


Thanks so much, ladies! :) DH and I want to do the right thing here.  I am already so in love with the new house, that I will be so sad if it falls through at this late stage of the game.

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So, because I'm nervous, I'm going to ramble ridiculously here...I've been getting rid of things like crazy trying to get ready to move just in case it happens! I've taken five loads of stuff to Goodwill already and thrown away a TON more! We had two huge outdoor trash cans full of trash, 3 oversized outdoor garbage bags stuffed to the brim, and both recycling bins overflowing with trash last week for trash day.  I'm well on my way to filling the cans again for this week too! I can't believe the amount of stuff and trash we have!  :huh:


And FYI, I've seen another thread about donating "junk" to Goodwill...I didn't read it, but just know that I'm only donating stuff that is actually good/usable stuff.  I'm throwing away stuff that is trash. ;)

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