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HOD users - question


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I'm "sort of" using HOD with my dd this year (mixing it up with MFW and doing our own thing -- don't ask :p ), and I'm using BJU Reading with my dd.  This is partly due to her challenges with language skills, as well as the fact that she just doesn't love books.  She's getting enough book reading from the main HOD program and from MFW (not both at the same time), and sometimes it's like pulling teeth to get her to do that much, so I'm not going to try to force her to do more book reading in a "reading program".  The excerpts/short stories in the BJU text are a nice change for her.


She does love poetry, however, so I'm capitalizing on that, both in HOD and in BJU. 


But you know, with MFW we've always done a "Book Basket" with an extensive reading list from the TMs, anyway, so maybe that's why DITHOR has always looked like overkill to me. :001_unsure:


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My son who is using Revival to Revolution is using Lightning Lit as a substitute for DITHOR this year.  I wanted him to get familiar with literary terms.  My younger kids are not doing anything at this point.  I've used CLE Reading in the past and may start it back up.  We've also just used Pathway Readers at time.  Nothing seems to fit my style except just having them read but unfortunately I've a few kids who won't pick up books very voluntarily.     I've also contemplated just having them read Sonlight readers for each year or do BJU but so far this year, nothing.   

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IMO, you don't "need" a reading program with HOD.  All the storytime boxes through the levels contain elements already contained in Dithor.   Not only that, there is plenty of reading and narration, written and oral throughout the programs to be quite enough.  Once in middle school however, I'd use something for analyzing lit, whether it's Dithor or something else.  So depending upon the grade level, I would recommend nothing for under grade 7.


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I do Sonlight readers when they are learning to read better and I just have a pile of books that I want my ds10 to read.  I have to assign chapters (2-3 per day) and he gets to pick the next book he wants to read.  They are all good literature books I had laying around.  I just wanted him to like to read a variety of good literature.  We have plenty of time for discussion when he's older.



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