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Schooling many? Do you have a weekly sch. to share?

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I have looked at several different weekly schedule forms from many wonderful ladies here (thanks!) and they are all terrific. I figured out that I need to see one from somebody who is schooling many (I have 5 that are actually being taught). Do you make a weekly sch. for each child? Do you make one and include all dc on one master sheet? Do you do both? If you have one to share...please let me know. I'm just having a hard time tweaking the ones that were emailed to me (even thought they are GREAT!) to fit multiple dc, KWIM? I have HST basic but it is simply to tedious for me and I can't afford + right now.

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and one coming.


9 am Bible- everyone sits for this including the youngest 2


9:20 Handwriting


9:30 Math for the 3 oldest- we do MUS so they watch the video on Mondays and then work through the week asking questions when the need to


9:30-10 is Kindergarten with 5 yo- we do Abeka K Math, and Saxon Phonics (She also does handwriting when the others do)


10:00 Snack


10:15: Spelling (we do spelling power so every other day I give them a new list)


10:30-11:00- Reading Independently


11:00 -11:30 Grammar and Latin (all of the older 3 do this) We huse Shurley and LfC which integrate nicely- Latin is about the only thing I teach-- otherwise they know the drill and ask as they go.


11:30 to 1:00- Lunch


1:00- Baby (20 months) goes down for nap, and hopefully the new one will too.


1:00- 2:30- History and science


This works pretty well. Of course, there are always things that get in the way. That's life. HTH.

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Sue...I think I can answer this one (having the same number of children, the same number schooling, and lining up at right about the same ages :lol:). I used to have times listed, but something ALWAYS happened (baby floods my lap, toddler dumps the flour bowl, anything Murphy's Law would have to do with). So this is more like a flow chart with minutes listed instead...that way i'm not feeling defeated before I even begin.


Minutes____ Subject


30________ M-Bible, T-Daddy's Choice, W-Catechism, T-Daddy's Choice, F-Character

40________ MWF-Music, TT-Art

20________ Sign Language

30________ Latin

30________ MF-Vocabulary, TWT-Omnibus Secondary Readings for the Oldest and Reading for the Youngers

60________ History (1 Omnibus, 1 Streams of Civilization, 3 SOTW)

60________ Arithmetic

30________ Younger 3-Phonics, Older 2-switch off on Typing/Study Hall every other day

30________ Olders-Grammar, Youngers-Handwriting

60________ Younger 4 TWF-Science, Oldest-Science all week but Intro/Discussion on Mon and Labs on Thurs

60________ Olders-Classical Writing

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