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Moms with more than 4 in the house - how much time do you spend cooking IF you make most of your own food?


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I can throw some frozen stuff in the oven and make a salad in about 15 minutes but 1) I don't want to eat that way and 2) it is too expensive now that there are 7 people here.


It can take me 2/3 hours to make dinner if I make it from scratch.


Seriously, I'd love to hear how long you are spending in the kitchen on a normal day?



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Depends on what I make, but usually about an hour, including setting the table. I typically prepare a main dish, a veggie side, a green salad, and sometimes another side of fruit or veggies or bread. I've got several favorites that take about that amount of time, and rotate through them. It doesn't seem to matter whether I am cooking for 4 or 8. :)


If I make rolls or a crockpot meal or something with lots of veg that need chopping, I tend to spread the prep over the day so that when it comes time to actually get the meal ready and on the table, it takes me 30 minutes or so. That only happens on days when I am home most of the day, though, which is rare. And I do have a few favorites that take longer than an hour, but I just plan those for days when I will be home or when they boys will be out later so that I've got more cooking time.



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Well, it depends on what I'm making….but if say I make pancakes from scratch for breakfast, it can take an hour…because I have so many to cook.


Lunch here is usually sandwiches….which are 15 minutes or so.


Dinner, it really depends more on the recipe than the quantity.  I'd say a good hour for most meals.


None of this includes clean-up time.

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Well, it depends on what I'm making….but if say I make pancakes from scratch for breakfast, it can take an hour…because I have so many to cook.


Lunch here is usually sandwiches….which are 15 minutes or so.


Dinner, it really depends more on the recipe than the quantity. I'd say a good hour for most meals.


None of this includes clean-up time.

This sounds about the same for me.

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This summer I spent the day organizing an 8 week menu to help with the amount of time I spent in the kitchen.  Having a plan is huge for me.  I use the weekends to prep stuff for the upcoming week.  Each of my four oldest kids take turns being the dinner helper for a week and they help me on weeknights with cooking/setting the table, etc.  Breakfasts are from scratch pancakes, waffles, hot cereals, eggs and occasionally cereal.  I prep those by making up dry mixes in jars.  Then, when we have pancakes, I just have to dump the jar into a bowl, add the wet ingredients and cook.  But all that said...I spent probably 3 hours a day making meals, including the cleanup (though that can vary if I have an easier day where I use the crockpot, etc).  

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I put frozen meat in the oven about 2 hours prior to dinner, then I make some biscuits or other bread, cook some veggies, make a salad, cut up some fruit, and we call that dinner most nights here. The crockpot is good for whole meals like stew and such which can be prepped the night before. We are 7, but 2 are babies, so they do not eat much yet. I try not to spend more than 30 minutes in the kitchen.

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I choose less labor intensive recipes. Pasta, casseroles, soups, stews, salads. I'm vegetarian, which sometimes means more prep work, but doesn't have to. 

Last night, we had a baked potato bar. I popped the potatoes in the oven, mixed up aRotel sauce, chopped some fresh chives, and put everything on the the table. 

I use the crockpot in the summer, and the oven In the winter. 

I only have 4 right now, but I don't find it takes longer unless, as previous poster mentioned, it's something like pancakes or waffles where I'm limited in how many I can cook at once.


Eta: I would say that I spend about 3hours a day in the kitchen, including cleaning, when I cook from scratch. Not including occasions when I prep and store large quantities (like pickling or freezing tomatoes, or something), or if I'm doing extra baking (cookies, cake, not regular meal food).

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I have 7 children. Most meals take between 45-60 mins, including making plates, setting table, getting all the condiments and whatnot. Plenty of meals take less time, though, like roasting a chicken or making a roast. My kids do cleanup, so that's not counted in the time.

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