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Well, he's gone...

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Right now, it probably doesn't help much to know that I am grateful to your family, because that doesn't keep your husband home. But, I hope that during this long year you'll remember, on occasion, what a wonderful thing it is that YOU ARE ALL DOING - the sacrifice each of you is making, yes even the kids, is one of the most selfless things anyone could do.


Peace and courage to you.

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My sister told me the only time she ever saw my mother cry was Christmas eve 1944. Papa had left that day for Europe, and she was by the tree painting the wooden toys he'd made for the children.


Some years ago I found a packet of photos my father took in Europe. I expected destroyed buildings and blown up yards. It was all photos of happy looking farm animals. Under a line of geese he had written "The original goose step".


May your hubby have such memories, too.

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