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Prayer request for my son please! Update #28, #39


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Okay, I had my big discussion with the surgeon today.  I'll make this brief (well, brief for me) because I have to get back to the hospital.


#1  Stephen had no infection at all.  The cyst returned and it was gigantic -- as big as my hand, with "fingers" ... it had to go b/c they couldn't take the chance of it getting infected.


#2  We have no idea why two different stories unless DH got mixed up or didn't listen carefully enough.


#3  We will have a visiting nurse, but don't know for how long or how often yet.


#4  An occupational therapist is coming to the house once Stephen is out of the hospital to assess it and tell us what we can do to make it more accessible for Stephen.  I have not been here to clean, so I hope that takes a few days.


#5  A gel mattress is being delivered tomorrow. 


#6  They took Stephen off morphine and put him on 1 vicodin, a medication that doesn't do anything for Stephen. I got it changed to percocet and spent quite a bit of time getting the dose increased to 2 pills every 4-6 hrs because with one pill, his pain level was 7/10. 


#7  Stephen stood up for a few minutes today.  His back and legs were killing him after being immobile in one position for 20 hours. That took some doing b/c the aides couldn't figure out how to get him to a standing position without him sitting down first.  DS1 solved their problem -- it was common sense.  Then Stephen nearly passed out, so he went back to bed.  Luckily DS1 was standing by to help -- they said they didn't need him, but I overrode that directive and told DS1 to have his hands on S at all times.


#8 Stephen sang Take Me Out to the Ballgame at my request, then told me the history of the song and its writer.  He never sings, so I chalk that up to the percocet or maybe some left over morphine in his system.


#9 Now that he can think again, Stephen is worried about a lot of things (mostly having to do with the probable future surgeries).  But I found out that if this heals, he can have laser hair removal done in the area for $1-$2 thousand dollars, not covered by insurance, and we will do that.  It's the best way to prevent a recurrence of the cyst.


#10  My dog is very lonely. 


#11  The next challenge will be getting Stephen out of the hospital without a wheelchair *and* getting him into the car so that he can lie on his stomach on the way home.


#12  I am sick of the hospital, but not at least I'm not a patient, although I feel like an inmate.


#13  We finally got Stephen to eat and drink this afternoon.  He isn't eating much, yet, but he'll be fine once he's home.




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It is not unusual for pilonidal cysts to recur. If you have any suspicion or even a feeling that he is getting infected, insist that he gets it checked out. Don't let anyone dismiss your concerns.


Some people have been helped by using moist, hot compresses regularly, very often and including certain oils in their diet. I know an MD who managed his own this way and was able to avoid surgery. The goal is to keep the opening clear and to keep the sebaceous oil liquidy, IIRC.


Well, I hope the pain begins to subside quickly and your son can get some sleep. Poor fella.



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