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Anyone else starting school tomorrow (8-4)?


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We've always schooled year round, taking June off and starting early July. However, this year was so crazy that we took May- July off because things just kept happening.


We started today with just a few subjects: language (poetry study) and geography. We planned to do math games as a review this afternoon, but someone was SO uncooperative that I only made it till lunch. Then I sent everyone outside.


This is our 8th year of homeschooling, so I'm not suprised to have had a day like this. It's just that it's never happened on the first one...

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Well that required much fussing and whining by the 5th graders to get finished. They did make it through everything though. Dd was doing well chugging along when I left. I think her breaking point will hit after vacation when she starts the second of her math curriculums. Little Man did okay as well after he got over his morning sleepiness.

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My son starts next Monday with public high school (eek), but my daughter started back in this morning.  It's been a fantastic day!  We only had one little hiccup over a pre-test, but I should have known better than to schedule it.  Her personality is too much like mine, and I can't stand those things.  Seriously don't know what I was thinking.  Anyway, we were done with school before lunchtime and went out to eat to celebrate.  She's now off in her room making what sounds to be baby dragon noises.

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Our first day was a success!   :hurray:


My daughter and I are so excited about her philosophy course.  Thanks to another Hive Mom's suggestion (I'll try to find her name), we are doing Philosophy through Star Trek, Star Wars, and Dr. Who.  It will be time consuming, but we did some work last night and finished the first lesson today.  LOVE it!!!   :hurray:


My son had a great day and seemed to  adapt well to the heavy course load. :hurray:

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