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Halogen or LED lights?


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I replaced all the lights in my kitchen (canister lights on the ceiling) with LED and I'm really pleased with them. I was worried they'd be too bright, like those awful, bright blue headlights that blind you from oncoming lanes of traffic, but I haven't found that to be the case at all.

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I'm getting a flexible track light for dh's office.  every single description/recommendation for this with halogen bulbs was to get a dimmer because of the heat it puts out.   I was VERY HAPPY to find out they make LED bulbs in that size. 


halogen draws alot of watts, and puts out *a lot* of heat.  (think $$ for both electricity and A/C in summer.)

LED is a fraction of the wattage (5W per bulb.), therefore doesn't put out the heat, and much cheaper to operate.



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Halogen lights were the source of our housefire, so I'd opt for LEDs. (Not so fun fact: Halogen lights can ignite a mattress at five feet, or so the firefighters informed us. That's one of the reasons many dorms ban them. You don't even want to know what they'll do to a cardboard fort.)

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We are gradually switching to LED. The exact color tone varies, so DH tried out a whole bunch of different ones. The ones we did not like as much are now in rooms where lights are less frequently used. Our living room lights have a warm yellowish tone that is very similar to the light form incadescent bulbs.

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We are slowly switching over to LED (it would cost hundreds of dollars to make the change all at once, and I see no reason to replace a bulb that hasn't burnt out yet). We are very happy with what we have so far and even mixing some LED and some regular old bulbs in the same fixture works just fine--the light is pretty similar.

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We are gradually switching to LED. The exact color tone varies, so DH tried out a whole bunch of different ones. The ones we did not like as much are now in rooms where lights are less frequently used. Our living room lights have a warm yellowish tone that is very similar to the light form incadescent bulbs.


Do you recall what brand you have?  DH installed can lights in our upstairs hallway but bought LEDs that are reading cool.  It is making the paint color up there look terrible :/  I know we need warm ones.  I have heard good things about Cree, but they are pretty pricey.  I think that's what we're going to try next.

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For what it's worth, one of the canister lights I praised yesterday just crashed out of my ceiling and into the sink for no apparent reason.


I'm not blaming the lights.  We had trouble installing that one and it was probably loose. But I did think it weird that this happened shortly after I posted about it; perhaps LED lights shun publicity?

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