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Need advice on Bible for Ker and 3rd grader

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My children go to church, Sunday school, etc. I'm interested in starting our day with something from the Bible, but not necessarily a full-scale Bible Study. We have used Grapevine (too time-consuming) and just reading the Bible daily from a children's Bible, followed by prayer. Those of you that say you do Bible daily, what do you do? How much time do you spend on it?

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We are using an older devotional book, "Leading Little Ones to God".  My husband paraphrases the lesson and reads the appropriate verses with the kids during supper.  We spend maybe 10-15 minutes per day on it.  My kids are 6,4, & 2 and it works well for them.  It may be a little basic for a 3rd grader but I think you could make it work.

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If your religious beliefs permit images of Jesus, you might like this


I have the hardback book and audio cds. We love the British narrator. "One ticket to not Nineveh." Love how he says that line!


There are dvds for this out now too. 

I LOVE David Suchet! We have this story bible and cds. Love them! As for the K'er and 3rd grader, we use Catherine Vos's Story Bible (my school aged kids are 1st and 3rd). We'll finish it by December and I plan on having the kids start reading their own bibles daily. I was using Suffer the Children but decided to stop for this year. We'll pick up that series when my kids are older. Instead we're working on our catechism and creeds. Starr Meade has some great resources for the Heidelberg and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. She also has a family devotion book called Mighty Acts of God if you're interested.

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Right now I'm reading through The Story for Kids with my kids. It's like a storybook Bible, but it uses the NIrV translation and is compiled to read like a novel. We read one chapter on Monday and they narrate what happened. Then on Tuesday I read the Companion and we mark a map and timeline with the events/places from the chapter we read. We repeat with a new chapter for Wednesday-Thursday. The Companion is designed with the fuller version they have of The Story for adults, so I do occasionally skip parts in the companion that cover parts that were left out of the kids version. But I find it does a good job of going over what we can learn about God, what was the cultural background, what was really going on. Since there are only 31 chapters, we'll finish long before our school year is done. Once we finish, I plan on doing more in depth study of some of the historical books of the OT.

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