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What kind of dr for a hernia?

ChristyB in TN

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My husband has had a hernia happening in his lower abdomen for years and has finally lifted at the gym a little too much and it is very painful. We have no primary physician and really don't want one. What specific kind of dr would a primary physician refer him to after saying, "Yep, that's a hernia?"  We'd like to cut out the beginning of the process if we can. Thanks!

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Thanks, all of you! We have an appointment and soooooo don't have time for this. He's grumpy, I'm so busy that now I'm just making new stacks of folders on the floor next to my desk, and I believe we've both hit our Advil quota for the week in one morning. Yes, I just made this about me.  :confused1:

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Glad you got an appointment, Is it soon? I'm just wondering because you mentioned that he has pain. If he has a strangulated hernia, that's a medical emergency because you could be cutting off circulation to the bowel. Does the nurse at the office know he is having pain? It is possible to have it reduced until he is able to have surgery (but that would still require having it fixed soon). 

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He is sitting here in front of me in my office so I just told him that, thank you. The nurse at the surgeon's office told me to get him to the ER if it gets worse or changes. I would have to shoot him in the head to get him to the ER, I'm afraid so this will be interesting...  <_<


Poor guy! Hope it doesn't worsen. Can he push it back in? If not, it's an emergency.


I got DH to finally get his fixed (his wasn't painful at all, but huge and he could push it back in) after I kindly reminded him he could end up with a colostomy for the rest of his life if he kept putting it off. That may do the trick if you think he needs to go.  :D If he ends up with surgery, it really isn't that bad. It was outpatient and required some pampering and a lot of pain pills. I wouldn't hesitate to use the ER though if you think he needs to, and not to scare you, but can be life threatening if it's strangulated. 

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Your DH needs an M.D. who is a General Surgeon. When I had an Inguinal Hernia, I called the local hospital and asked for the names of 2 or 3 surgeons who were "on staff" there and who were "Board Certified" surgeons. I suggest that your DH do the same.


BTW, I had a Hernia on one side repaired. Recently one of my friends in the Dominican Republic had a Hernia and his surgeon did both sides. In retrospect, I suspect it would be wise for me  to have had both sides done, at the same time... 

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My husband is having a surgical hernia repair today.  If he is having pain,  it definitely could be a medical emergency and you should go to the ER or urgent care stat.  Repairs are easier if they are done when a hernia is found.  My DH has only had his for less than a month. 


My DH is having surgery with a general surgeon. 

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Once again I find myself glad I clicked on a thread even when there's nothing I can say to help the OP.  There is so much that can be learned from the experience of the Hive - info that is worth salting away just in case it's ever needed.


To the OP - best wishes as you proceed on!

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My husband is having a surgical hernia repair today. If he is having pain, it definitely could be a medical emergency and you should go to the ER or urgent care stat. Repairs are easier if they are done when a hernia is found. My DH has only had his for less than a month.


My DH is having surgery with a general surgeon.

Many healing thoughts going your way!

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I don't know about pushing anything back in, I will ask him when he's within earshot again. He is working and oh, have I mentioned we are in the middle of an IRS audit? The auditor is on day 4 of her fact finding mission. She is awfully sweet, which is making this easier, but we are spending a lot of our workday chasing down records, files, bank statements and such and passing them to the sweet IRS auditor in our conference room. :( My stressed out husband probably doesn't even know if he is coming or going. We have nothing to hide, we don't do anything wrong and have an equally sweet accountant who will be stepping in to help during the questions phase of the audit so I know it will be a-okay, but we are still awfully crazy stressed and insanely busy. The coincidence of our being audited and my John hobbling around with a hernia just hit me. That is related somehow.....

Anyway, thanks for all the help, I will keep you all updated on all the fun! ;)

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I don't know about pushing anything back in, I will ask him when he's within earshot again. He is working and oh, have I mentioned we are in the middle of an IRS audit? The auditor is on day 4 of her fact finding mission. She is awfully sweet, which is making this easier, but we are spending a lot of our workday chasing down records, files, bank statements and such and passing them to the sweet IRS auditor in our conference room. :( My stressed out husband probably doesn't even know if he is coming or going. We have nothing to hide, we don't do anything wrong and have an equally sweet accountant who will be stepping in to help during the questions phase of the audit so I know it will be a-okay, but we are still awfully crazy stressed and insanely busy. The coincidence of our being audited and my John hobbling around with a hernia just hit me. That is related somehow.....

Anyway, thanks for all the help, I will keep you all updated on all the fun! ;)

It might be too late, but I wouldn't want to get a mesh insert.  That's what they tend to do today, because it requires less skill that repairing it the old-fashioned way.  The problem is that mesh migrates in your body and gets twisted up in your bowels and other unpleasant things.  It isn't like patching a floor that never moves.  Bodies move.


Lots of mesh lawsuits.  Hope all goes well. 

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