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Epsom salt


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Magnesium absorption, which can help with various things including constipation, muscle and joint soreness, and sleep issues.

Thank you. Sounds useful, how much should one put in a bathtub? I have a large tub.

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Yes epsom salts are magnesium sulfate.  They pull toxins out of your tissues as well as excess water if you are swollen and get magnesium into you by by-passing your gut.  It's supposed to be 2 cups epsom salts per gallon of water but I sort of eyeball it and put in about half of one of those "milk cartons" of epsom salts.  Epsom salts are inexpensive so even though it looks like you're using a lot, it doesn't cost too much.  

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We use epsom salts here a lot.  I don't measure I just shake the carton back and forth first from faucet to rear of tub and back again.  We use it for muscle soreness, constipation and when one of the boys is way out of control it helps them relax and settle way faster than just a normal bath does.

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Oh I was going to add I have also used epsom salts to draw out infection in myself, my kids and even my cats.  Ds15 gets horrible ingrown nails but will not let the dr treat it.  epsom salts in a bowl of warm water, he soaks his feet for 15-20 minutes 1-2 times a day when they are getting bad and it clears the infection out.  I mix it in a bowl and soak a wash cloth in for smaller areas, like when my momma cat was raw on her tummy from her kittens clawing while they nursed, it got infected and was oozing on a saturday night.  Vet was closed so I did the epsom salts on a cloth and just held it there for as long as she tolerated and did that every 1-2 hours all saturday night and through sunday, by monday I didn't even need to call the vet.  All redness and oozing was gone, it was scabbed up and by Friday not a sign of her ever being raw, it was 100% healed. I do the same on myself when I have scrapes and such because I take forever to heal otherwise and have battled cellulitis a few times.  Since doing epsom salts on a cloth on a scrape as soon as it starts looking red around the edges I now longer have issues with infections or cellulitis, it draws out any budding infection and I heal quite quickly after that.  Epsom salts are one of the few must haves I keep on hand at all times, and buy more as soon as I hit 1/2 a carton (I buy the big cartons that look like a 2 L milk carton).  They are super cheap and like nature's miracle drug lol

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