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The Giver (movie preview trailer)


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I took my eldest to see a movie a couple days ago. One of the preview trailers was for The Giver! I was super excited - until I realized that even in that short trailer, THEY RE-WROTE THE BOOK. It isn't a long book, they didn't "leave stuff out"; I mean, they literally wrote crap in that isn't in the book.


I know - first world problems, eh? I am ridiculously annoyed. It's one of my favorite books :P

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Yeah, it looks like they changed it quite a bit. The daily injections (not the same as the pills in the book, his little sister gets one), taking a plane for a joyride, the kissing, the government going after Jonas and trying to stop him before he left, the plane zapping up Jonas and the baby...it has only been a few months since I read the book, but I don't remember any of that.


I will say that Jeff Bridges portrays the Giver exactly like I imagined him in the book...he even has the right voice, lol. But the actor that plays Jonas looks too old; he doesn't look like a child that just turned twelve(ish). He looks closer to fourteen or fifteen.

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But the actor that plays Jonas looks too old; he doesn't look like a child that just turned twelve(ish). He looks closer to fourteen or fifteen.


Well, since the actor is actually 24, they did pretty well if he looks 14 or 15 (though I don't agree that they got him looking that young).



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Well, since the actor is actually 24, they did pretty well if he looks 14 or 15 (though I don't agree that they got him looking that young).




Well, no wonder!! LOL!! I wonder why they didn't pick someone younger to play the part? He is supposed to be a kid, struggling with all kinds of mature responsibilities and thoughts, that is kind of central to the whole story line.

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I remember reading about the casting when they first started filming it, and thinking that they must be going to change the plot somewhat because they had cast an older actor to play Jonas.


In the books, Jonas is reaching that age where he not only has to begin pursuing a grown up plan, but also has a naïveté about the world in general. I think casting an older actor will cause the character to lose some of that. They've moved Jonas to the age of being more capable of rebelling. Am I making sense? To me, it gives the story more of a Divergent/Hunger Games feel, versus Ender's Game, which had a younger protagonist.


Another thing that struck me as I watched the trailer was the high tech, contemporary look of the place they lived. I remember having a much simpler picture in my mind of the community. I definitely didn't picture it as such a large city. And I didn't picture the Giver's cottage in a remote location. It's been a while since I read the book, but I thought the Giver's residence was a portion of a municipal building?


[ETA, the Giver's place reminded me MUCH more of the old woman's cottage in Gathering Blue, and the books of Jonas' future home in Messenger. Even then, the cliffs were out of Son. Quite the cross-pollination if setting.]


I guess Lois Lowry is okay with it. It will probably be an entertaining movie, but yeah, it doesn't look like the book. Anyone else wondering if Meryl Streep is gonna come to regret that hair?

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I'm curious to hear how it all works out (I probably won't see it in the theater).


I've heard that the author was heavily involved, which leads me to hope that the trailer has been... remixed to be more mainstream appealing. Kind of like those remixes that make Mary Poppins into a horror movie, or the Bridge to Terabithia trailer which made it look like a poorly CGI'd fantasy adventure. 


I suppose I can accept adding a little more action and drama if it stays true to the book thematically. But, from the trailer, the movie feels like it has a different agenda. Similar, but not the same.


But that could just be that they made the trailer to appeal to the Hunger Games fans.

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They did make it so that Jonas is supposed to be 16, not 12 and Lois Lowry did have a lot to do with the script and approved changes they made. I loved the book when I was younger and while I am looking forward to the movie I am not expecting it to be much like the book.

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