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how to get rid of cat box smell in a room


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I have one of my cats' litter boxes in my upstairs bathroom.  It's a VERY small bathroom.  Literally just enough room for a toilet, small sink, and the litter box.  When I had just one cat, there were no problems.  Now I have four and the three newer ones went from using the boxes in the basement to all using the one upstairs.   :glare:   I scoop it twice a day, when I change the litter completely I wash the entire litter box (it's the kind with a cover), I wash the tiny floor a few times a week, I've even been washing the walls regularly and I still can't get rid of the smell!  It wouldn't be so bad if you only smelled it when you used the bathroom, but now I can smell it as I walk up the stairs (the bathroom is at the top of the stairs).  If *I* can smell it, I can only imagine what others would smell.   :cursing:


I've tried using all sorts of air fresheners, but nothing has helped.  I would like to get rid of that litter box eventually (that will be another post), but for now I need to do something about the smell.  Any suggestions?

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Maybe change the type of litter? I would've said scoop more often, but you said you are doing that. Is it very hard clumping? You may be leaving some urine-soaked litter that didn't clump--


I think the plastic box itself can sometimes hold smells, so maybe replacing the box?


I do add baking soda to mine once in a while. It does cut the smells to 0.


4 cats is a lot to have peeing in the box!

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Different food perhaps.


When my son and his wife and their two cats moved into our house a few years ago, the aroma was overwhelming. I put their cats on the pricey Iams food our cat enjoyed and the smell went away--well, it got better anyway.



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Are you smelling the litter? Or are you smelling urine and/or feces?


If you are smelling "yes, that's what a litter box smells like" -- but not the actual smells of cat waste... I'd use an unscented litter, made for "small spaces" or "multiple cats" or "odour elimination" -- but without added scent. There are also some products you can add / sprinkle into the litter to increase odour elimination.


If you are actually smelling acrid cat urine, consider getting a new box-itself. Also consider getting a water fountain to increase their hydration and thus dilute their urine.


If you are smelling "fresh poop" when the poop isnt fresh, change their food.

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We have 4 cats and their most used box is also in a bathroom.  


I use crystal litter and there is virtually no smell.  Every other day I dump the entire box, give it a rinse/wash and refill.  It rarely if ever stinks - i've even had people comment that they would never have guessed I had 4 cats. 

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