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My 7-year old runs faster than me


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He is not a big boy.  We had a race.  I ran my fastest.  I could not beat him.  My legs were just not moving as fast as they should have.  I am slim and I don't look out of shape but I guess I really am.  I'm going to try and exercise more.  I'm 40-something.  I'm worried about osteoporosis.  I'm getting old.  That's it.



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LOL, I expect my 7yos to run faster than me!  Not really sure when this happened, though.  Until recently I could say I was a pretty fast runner for non-sportsy woman.  But now ... I guess I have enough arthritis that it isn't worth it.  I could probably still run to save my life but I'd be paying for it days later.


A nice long walk is better than a quick run anyway.  :)

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I believe my son was younger than 7 when he beat me in a 5k, and I run all of the time!  He and his friends kept doing these sprints.  They would walk and giggle and run like crazy, then walk and laugh some more.  All 3 in their group beat me.  And my oldest son, who was 11 I believe, was walking when I caught up to him.  When he saw me he sprinted for the finish.  :glare:   I remember feeling like I was dying, going all out, and these little guys walked and laughed ahead of me.


Instead of having it discourage you, take them to the park and run sprints with them.  It's fun and great exercise.  And if you're worried about osteoporosis I recommend weights.  Do weighted squats and lunges,  do presses, one armed rows,  push-ups and pull ups.  Running will strengthen your hips, but not your upper back (well, it does a little).  

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I trained last fall for the Couch to 5K. The first time I went out with the kids just because it was during school hours and convenient. My 7 year old kept saying thinks like, "Look, Mom! I'm walking faster than you are running." That was the last time I went "running" with that kid. :) 


He's also the same kid who keeps offering to wear my fitbit to "get you more steps, Mom". I try to explain that it doesn't really count if I don't actually take the steps myself but he actually a sweetie and wants to help me. 

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