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Do you consider T4L HS as HS level work?

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I have not read any detailed reviews and would love to hear from people that have used the system.  I know that there are happy customers of the lower level grades.  Since the site doesn't offer "honors" tracks, I assume that this is a "get 'er done" level, not a "WTM rigorous" level.  But, not every subject needs to be taken at the most rigorous possible level.  Kids need downtime too.

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Many of the courses do align with high school course work. The math goes up to pre-calculus and the science includes biology, physics, and chemistry courses. As a parent you can place your student in which ever course you want, so a ninth grader can take English III if that is more appropriate. I would say that it is not WTM high school level, but it is high school level.


We tried it out at the beginning of last year for two weeks (free trial). My twins did not like it at all because they did not like sitting at the computer for every subject nor did they like the quiz format. I do think that it would work for some teens though, especially those who are good independent learners or those that just want to get the work done in order to have time for their own interests. 

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We used T4L for a high school American literature course last year after the course we had planned to use did not work out. The presentation of the material was done in a way designed to keep the attention of easily-bored teens and was often humorous. I think DS had a pretty good intro to the highlights of American lit with this course. The quizzes were helpful in keeping him focused. The writing definitely left something to be desired, though. Writing assignments were not assigned any grade or given any corrections by the T4L staff, nor were they accessible to parents to grade after the student completed them (possibly T4L will be changing the writing portion in the future, though). If you plan to use this program, you would probably want to supplement with a better writing curriculum.

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We used T4L for a high school American literature course last year after the course we had planned to use did not work out. The presentation of the material was done in a way designed to keep the attention of easily-bored teens and was often humorous. I think DS had a pretty good intro to the highlights of American lit with this course. The quizzes were helpful in keeping him focused. The writing definitely left something to be desired, though. Writing assignments were not assigned any grade or given any corrections by the T4L staff, nor were they accessible to parents to grade after the student completed them (possibly T4L will be changing the writing portion in the future, though). If you plan to use this program, you would probably want to supplement with a better writing curriculum.


I don't understand the bolded.  T4L is very upfront that the parent is the teacher and grades all writing assignments which, if saved and turned in properly, are always available through the parent account.  I have 2 using T4L for different subjects, and as a former high school teacher, find this work on par with b&m schools.

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Yes, you have to grade your child's writing.  Under the lesson plans link in the parent's sign in section, if you click on the level of English your child is working in, you'll find Rubrics for grading.  All of the writing is saved in the "records" section, if you click on the clickable link next to the lesson title, your students writing will appear. 

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It is entirely possible that DS did not save his writing properly, but we were never able to retrieve his essays after he turned them in. Overall, we found the program to be a good one, but I did wind up supplementing the composition portion of the class.

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It is entirely possible that DS did not save his writing properly, but we were never able to retrieve his essays after he turned them in. Overall, we found the program to be a good one, but I did wind up supplementing the composition portion of the class.


FWIW, computer glitches are one reason my kids have learned to save their work in a word processing program and copy/paste into the program or site for submission.

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Rosie Q, ughh, I feel your pain with that.  How extremely frustrating that must have been. He didn't lose all of his writing, did he?


As for if it's high school level.  My oldest took a number of their courses this past year, and he was in 8th grade, but works ahead.  One of the classes was American Government, he loved it, and is now studying to take the US Govt CLEP test.  When I gave him his first practice test, he did great. So, based on that a lone, I feel like it's got to be high school level.  Though, I will add, I did add certain things to the course.  He also took algebra, and that was a mistake.  He received a's on all the tests, but, when it came to the end of the year, he didn't retain anything, there isn's any built in review. So, we are quickly doing algebra 1 again over the summer with a tutor.  The Science was GREAT!!!!  This is a kid who normally hates science, and after this course, he's found himself loving it.  He learned a ton.  I feel like it was high school level, it was physical science, and did include some algebra (not a lot, just some).  I'm using it again for everything but math.  But, I do add to their courses with text books, projects, and labs.  He's doing Bio next year, and I'm adding the Miller Levine dragon fly book, and the Quality Science Labs Bio lab kit, and for World History, I added a Spielvogel book.  I'm treating the t4l lectures as teacher lectures.  But, that's not to say that I don't think they'd be high school level on their own, because I do.  And, for us, it really forced my son to learn to take notes, which was huge for this house.



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Thank you everyone, I will give it it a try for dd13 and see what happens. I had her start the Physical Science class today and we didn't even get through the lab safety intro before she was complaining "I know this!" in a snotty way. She wants nothing to do with school at all and of course thinks she knows everything. We shall see. How do you survive getting ASD  kids with attitudes to do their work without making  your life miserable?

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How do you survive getting ASD  kids with attitudes to do their work without making  your life miserable?

I sent him to public school. That's not what you wanted to hear, but it got to the point that we had to make the change. Our relationship is much better now and Geezle genuinely enjoys his classmates, even if he still doesn't see the point in schoolwork.


I hope you find a good groove with your dd. I'll be rooting for you!

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I sent him to public school. That's not what you wanted to hear, but it got to the point that we had to make the change. Our relationship is much better now and Geezle genuinely enjoys his classmates, even if he still doesn't see the point in schoolwork.


I hope you find a good groove with your dd. I'll be rooting for you!


We tried PS and its been a disaster every time:( We haven't had luck getting accommodations and she's got virtually no executive functioning skills which is a recipe for failure. I know here its hopeless, I'm told we might get better luck in the city. I'm just worried about putting a naive kid with the social skills of a 2 year old who is desperate for friends and will do anything to get them in with 8th graders. Jr high girls are generally blood thirsty iykwim.

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Middle school girls can be very brutal.  Our neighborhood girls a lone are exhibits of that.  Then at the same time, there are middle school girls that are wonderful, like my boys ballroom partners.  Unfortunately the brutal ones are the loudest and stand out the most.


Let her know that it's always important to go over those beginning science skills, like safety, and how to make an experiment, just for those kids that have never learned it before. 


The Physical science is fun, at least my son thought so, if you just stick with it.  Also, remember, you can skip lessons, your arrow won't line up, but you can do it. Would an arrow being at the wrong place bug your daughter?  If not, just skip the opening chapter.   Just remember that there is no built in review, if she needs that, you'll have to add it in yourself.

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Did you see the full lesson plans?  Sadly, they don't allow you to see the lesson plans unless you are a member, I think they should change that.  Or maybe they do, but I can't find them unless I sign in.  Their syllabus is lacking in it's write up, but the classes are not lacking.  But, like I said, I add to everything, so maybe I'm not the person to ask.

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We are using it for a few subjects this year. George Wolfe, who teaches the Physical Science course, is wonderful. He's a highly regarded science teacher, and I'd say that yes, it's certainly high school level.For Biology this coming year, we will supplement with experiments, and I wish they included some in the program.  My ds, who is NOT an academic type kiddo, enjoyed the 9th grade English as well. That too, is on par with a high school English course. We didn't care for the Algebra 1, but math is my son's weakest area. History was a bit dry, so we're not using that either. I did supplement the 9th grade English with additional novels, and we skipped one of their "chapters" if I recall. It's also nice that you can mix grade levels, even taking English 9 and 10 together. We're really pleased with the program. And it's a bargain at 30.00 a month for 4 courses, with additional courses being 5.00 a month extra. I do wish they would add review lessons before their tests. 

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