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Shameless mom brag -- and a cross post too

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Fun!  Impressive, too.  I found the bored girl in the bottom left quite amusing.


How many hours did she spend making that video?  It must have taken quite a while.


Well, first she had to transcribe the original piece.  That took a few weeks.  Then she had to figure out the best way to record the singing.  That took a few more weeks.  And then she had to learn how to do the mixing.  So a few more weeks.


If/when she does another one, it should take considerably less time.  Probably only a few days.


Her next project is to learn the best way to record her flute playing.  After that, we'll try to do some recording with me singing harmony.


Rhythm of the Rain is very... rhythmic.  So she was able to record each of the parts to a metronome.  This makes it very easy to put a lot of tracks together that were recorded separately.  But that may only work well with pop music.  She's finding that her folk and classical recordings vary in tempo so much that doing tracks separately is pretty hard.  So it might make more sense to record them at the same time (which means she can't very do all the parts herself).

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She may find that recording the main vocal and then playing it over the headphones works well for pieces that vary in tempo. 


It actually doesn't work that well for her.  She finds she can't anticipate the tempo changes quick enough to react to them -- even when she's the one who did the first vocal track.  She actually is singing with the main vocal track (thus, the headphones), but finds that she needs to have it pretty metronomic even then.  (Maybe she only did the first track with the metronome?  I'm not actually sure.)


At least she needs that so she can get it lined up as precisely as she would like.


I think she's still a little frustrated that some of the singers don't cut off at the same time as the others.  That was something that maybe could have been tweaked in the Logic program she's using, but she wanted to move on to another project.


I'm guessing this explains why a lot of pop music uses a pre recorded percussion track?  And everybody just lines up with that?


Or maybe she'll discover there's a way to get things to synch up after the fact in the software she's using.  She may just not have run into that yet.

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Her recording quality has improved quite a bit in the last 6 months.  Here she is being Joan Baez, although she'd only been playing guitar a couple weeks.  The sound quality isn't nearly as good.



Looks like she's got a capo on  -- she's started doing that not only because she wants a different key but because it makes the guitar slightly easier to play with small hands.  (Mentioning that because there was a previous discussion about buying smaller size guitars for kids.)

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That was most enjoyable. It will be fun to see what she comes up with next.


This is way before your dd's time, but Todd Rundgren was one of the earliest artists to play with with creating an album where the vocals and instruments were all one person. He is definitely a techno-geek and it was interesting to hear him talk about formerly working in a recording studio, whereas now, he can do an entire album from the linen closet with his Mac. It's intriguing to hear an album like "Arena" and know it's one man doing everything.


More than you ever wanted to know. Tell your dd her project is great.

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