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looking for job, advice needed


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I'm trying to find a part-time job to help cover some school expenses. There's a position open for a receptionist at a local church. I think I would be good at this. I have a good feeling about it, but I'm a little concerned about how an interview would go, and yes, I haven't even submitted anything yet, so I'm kinda jumping the gun a bit, but....


In the past few years, my worldview has changed dramatically. I do not agree with many things that my current church teaches. Dh and I have discussed this, and I have told him I would like to get my name removed from the membership, but we haven't taken that step, yet.


A major part of my not being currently involved with anything at church is because I don't feel it is appropriate when I don't agree with their statement of faith. 


Nearly all of my skills and experience comes from work that I've done in the past with churches. It's a big part of my resume, so in an interview, I can see a question coming up about how my level of involvement is significantly smaller than what it used to be.


How would I address that? I don't want to give them the idea I've been too busy with homeschooling to be involved (because that's not really true, and I wouldn't want to make them think I don't have the time for the job) or that I'm being duplicitous with my church. Is this something I should even worry about? 


edited to add: The position is at a totally different church than the one I am currently attending. Sorry I didn't make that clear.

Edited by Aura
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Sounds like one you should not apply for. I would think they would want/like/need someone who is enthusiastic about the church, in that position. Since you would like to remove yourself from their membership roster and have issues with their teachings, to me this doesn't sound like a good fit for you. GL

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Sounds like one you should not apply for. I would think they would want/like/need someone who is enthusiastic about the church, in that position. Since you would like to remove yourself from their membership roster and have issues with their teachings, to me this doesn't sound like a good fit for you. GL



I cannot tell if the job is at your current parish or another one. But either way it sounds like you are very unsure about some things (either their teachings or your ability to be comfortable working in certain church settings).


Sorry I didn't clarify.


First, the job is NOT at my current church. It's for a very large church in a different denomination. They already have people on staff that are members of other churches, including other denominations.


Second, I don't have a problem working in church settings at all! That's not the issue. Most of my experience is church-related, and honestly, I think I'd be good at this position!


The issue is: IF I am asked why I'm not currently involved in anything in my current church, when my resume shows a lot of involvement up to a couple of years ago, what would be a good reply without shooting myself in the foot?

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You could say that it’s a personal matter.  I doubt they would press you after that.  And they probably wouldn’t hold it against you if you say it right, and you are otherwise are a great fit.

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For what it's worth the secretary (she is much, much more than a receptionist) at our church is not a member. I don't think she has ever been a member at our church. She is the first person many people meet when they come to our church outside of regular services so she does have to give a good impression, but she doesn't necessarily agree with everything our church believes either. I'm not sure it has ever been an issue, she's been there at least 15 years.


I'm not sure from your post if this position is at your current church or just one locally. If it is the church's policy that you have to be a member, then I wouldn't apply since you aren't sure you still want to be there.

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At the churches in which I've been involved, most staffers are not members of the church. In fact, it is generally discouraged for a church to hire members for positions that are not ministerial, at least in the denomination with which I'm most familiar. The idea is that church members are family, and hiring family can lead to some complicated situations.


I think, if asked directly, you could certainly say that you've taken a step back from your current church for some personal reasons and leave it at that.

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"I've cut back on my involvement in my own church because I've needed a season of less activity and more reflection."  





I think, if asked directly, you could certainly say that you've taken a step back from your current church for some personal reasons and leave it at that.


I think these two replies sound pretty good. Thanks!

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