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Hot Flashes


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I just read yet another article about how most women experience hot flashes and other perimenopausal symptoms for 3-5 years. 


I'm on my 10th year!!!!!!!  10 years of hot flashes, irregular often debilitating cycles, headaches, fatigue, weight gain, night sweats, etc.,etc.  10 years!!! 


Someone pass the chocolate and virtual sympathy.....

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I'm on my 13th year of pre-menopausal symptoms, and no menopause yet.


I had to adjust things, but I've found some relief with natural progesterone again.  I stopped for 3-4 years because I couldn't tell the difference, but now I do.  I also added red clover and black cohosh capsules 2x a day, and one cup of soy milk a day.  Along with healthy eating, fish oil, melatonin at night, and vitamin D, my additions seem to have me back to "normal" again.  It took awhile though to figure this all out!  I saw my doctor 10 months ago and complained, and she gave me a list of things to try and then I went to a talk by two local gyn's who specialize in those issues.

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Clary sage, peppermint and lemon oil mixed with a carrier oil like olive, jojaba, etc.  Apply to the back of the neck, behind the ears and on sides and front of ankles 2-3 times a day.  Two of my menopausal friends here have tried it and it has helped them significantly.

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I tried everything from the health food stores for a few years.  Finally did hrt.  I'm off everything now and hoping to stay that way.  If another cycle happens like the last one, then I might have to go back on progesterone cream again. 


I'm just really tired of it all.  And reading another article about how perimenopause "really only lasts a few short years" is not helping.  10 years is enough


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I am not a big fan of this medication, but Effexor is used for severe hot flashes. My personal nickname for it is "Side-Effexor," but many people have reported great relief with it.


I am currently having 10-15 flashes per day, so right now I am not too thrilled with this menopause concept. :ack2:

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I went through a period of hot flashes like every hour. It was horrible :( I started doing Pilates and haven't had a single hot flash in (knock on wood) 12 months. Of course, my cycles are now 6-10 weeks long but that's another story...


I have some lovely Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips to share with you :)

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I'm devoting this summer to get more "centered."  I rejoined Weight Watchers.  My weight loss has plateaued with 5 lbs left to go.  But, honestly, right now, I'm okay with that.  I also started doing a weight training/flexibility program 3-4 times a week.  I do some sort of exercise almost every day, but the weights are new.  Something must be changing because I've been able to reduce my beta blocker by 1/2.  The cardio nurse practitioner said something is changing at the cellular level because my blood pressure has really improved.  I literally only have 5 lbs to go to goal weight. 


Flexibility, strength, and balance are very important to me.  So, I'm hoping these things will help the hot flashes

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