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Finally got a white board!


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Mine is huge and I keep the children's assignments on the top-- I use WET erase on the top for the subjects (math child1. child 2......  History child1, child2....) and then I use dry erase for the stuff that changes daily (chapter 1, pages 5-9)


This allows me to have them see their work for the day (or week) and yet I don't have to re-write the subjects.  The wet erase stuff needs to be completely removed and refreshed about three times a year.   I also have a section for things that I need to remember-- (supplies for science experiments,)


The rest is blank

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I want to warn you- that white board may live in your house a very long time.  Ours is in our main living room because that's where the big table is and that's where our groups met when I held Latin or writing classes.   Our kids are grown now but they have such fond memories of the whiteboard- we now use it as a to-do list, leave messages for each other, etc.  

My youngest turns 20 in two weeks- it's really time to let the whiteboard go!!! 


Last night dd and I were watching the spelling bee and she looked at the white board and wondered how many words she wrote on that board. Our method was that if she misspelled a word orally it went on the board and became part of the study list for that day.  I think her comment was less about the board and more about how much time we spent together trying to achieve her dream of going to the bee. 



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I bought two huge white board panels from Lowes and a attached them to the walls with screws :)

Can't live without them. It still isn't enough space.

I agree! I enjoy light from the windows, but there just isn't enough wall space for bookshelves and whiteboards.


My 4 ft by 6 ft board hangs vertically in the hallway (only spot big enough for it), with the bottom 2/5ths too low for me (that is designated kid space). I use narrow crepe tape to delineate sections. The highest portion is lists of stuff I want to remember. The middle swath is my thinking space and sometimes lesson space.


We also write on the glass of our kitchen door (great for things to remember as you leave), have a small white board on our pantry door, have white board "slates" the kids can use at their desks or in the car, got glass markers so the kids can color on windows, and use giant Post-its and Post-It easel pads to hang stuff on bookshelves, picture frames, and window blinds as needed.


Better than washable latex paint!

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Mom and I found a huge rolling white board on clearance.  It came with some markers and a cork board is mounted on the other side.  I roll it out when we need it and roll it into storage when we don't.  LOVE that board.  I can set up maps we need for a particular lesson on one side and lessons on the other.  It is big enough that I can draw a line down the middle and set up lessons for DD13 on one half and DS10 on the other half.  


Good luck OP with your white board!  I think you will love it.

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OP - Inquiring minds want to know where you got your white board!

It's not going to be very helpful info. As I'm in Australia. ;-)


I got it on a online garage sales type advertisement. So its not brand new. But I would rather pay $25 with a few bumps and light scratches (wouldn't take long until mine made them anyway). Then pay the original price of $189!


It took me awhile to find it, but worth the wait. :-D

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It's not going to be very helpful info. As I'm in Australia. ;-)


I got it on a online garage sales type advertisement. So its not brand new. But I would rather pay $25 with a few bumps and light scratches (wouldn't take long until mine made them anyway). Then pay the original price of $189!


It took me awhile to find it, but worth the wait. :-D

Oh my goodness yes!  I hear you.  Love garage sales and estate sales and church rummage sales!  


We got a $45 board game we had been pining for over the past 6 months, brand new, still shrink wrapped, for $2 at a church rummage sale we just happened to drive by.  Yes, the corner was dented and the name was scraped but everything inside worked great!  Definitely worth the wait.  :)

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