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Where and/or how do you store your flashcards?

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We just cannot seem to come up with a good way to store flashcards. All of my kids like to make and use flash cards so we have hundreds of them floating around the house each year. They tend to get bent up, mixed up, misplaced, rewritten, smudged, etc. I'm thinking about buying plastic storage bins this summer for the sole purpose of storing index cards. Does anyone have a great index card storage system already in place? 


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Before our year started I cut colored index cards in half, hole punched the corners, and put them on a metal ring that snaps together (I don't know what they are called). My kids store them in clear index boxes.

Our Latin flash cards that came premade just have a rubber band around them, which I also store in a clear index box. Nothing fancy, but it works.

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In the trash. I'm no help right?




But seriously I just tossed a ton of them.


I would just keep them in a smallish plastic tub. I hole punched the corners of a  few sets and linked them.


Three part cards, which I have quite a few sets of, I store in homemade pocket folders. 



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I use clear, shoe box size bins to store the cards. We have math facts, latin, roots, phonograms & geography. But the cards that the child is actively working on for that week go into the mini accordion style folders (that I think are made for coupon sorting).

Each pocket in the according folder has the cards that they work on for that day. So they rotate between my storage tub and their individual accordion files.

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So far, just in those little file boxes from Wal-Mart. (I linked something similar at Amazon. But Walmart sells them for $.99 or $1.99. They aren't worth the $5/$6 Amazon wants for them.) They keep breaking their lids from lots of use, though.  :banghead:

(Not these, either! But sort of.)


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I love these boards for a variety of great answers to any question! :)



On the back of the classroom closet door in a fabric shoe pocket organizer by subject (landmarks, alphabet, counting, addition, etc....)

Now I actually use them more.


This is going to be the answer for us. I never understand why I can't come up with these ideas until I hear them. We have a hall closet right next to our school bookshelf and I found a shoe organizer on Amazon for less than $12 plus free shipping. The kids agree that this will keep the cards both organized and out of our way when we don't need them!

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