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Ind Bible study for 8 yr old


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We do devotions, Bible reading and Scripture memory as a family every morning but I would like to encourage a little bit deeper study for my 8yr old son to do independently. He is a fairly strong reader and has a copy of the NIRV Adventurers Bible. Looking for something that would take him 10-20 minutes, possible workbook or drawing based... Ideas?

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My boys use Christian Light Bible--it's "curriculum" but it teaches both historical facts/geography as well as applications and truths.  We really like it a lot--  it is Mennonite, but it seems fairly non-denominational through 5th grade (where we are right now).  I can't speak to higher grades.  They have learned a LOT from it and enjoy doing the lessons



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It's not a workbook, but I got my dc the children's version of "Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young so they'd have a devotional to use individually. They read the day's selection and then look up the verses at the bottom. It's nice because I'm going through the adult verson, so we can talk about it since the topics are the same. The dc also read about a chapter out of their Bibles each day during free reading time.


Then in the evening we have our family Bible time.

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I just saw this at the convention over the weekend. Looked interesting, but haven't taken the time to thoroughly check it out yet. Doc's Discovery Books



I really like the looks of this!  I think he states that it's for middle/high schoolers, but it definitely looks appropriate for upper elem. also.  Thanks for sharing!  (Very affordable too!)

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I asked this question a while ago - you may want to search under my posts for other options.  I received a recommendation for Notgrass' Draw to Learn.  I chose the Jesus one.  My dd7 has loved it and grown.  The passages are as short at 3-4 verses, to a whole chapter. Then there are directions at the bottom to guide them as to what to draw (or they can write/draw whatever is meaningful to them after reading).  It has been a great way to instill the habit of a daily independent quiet time with some light guidance. 

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Here's an idea that I just started started with my son. Yes, it takes a little bit of work on your part, but not much.


I like to do topical studies on my own each morning. Today I did speech and the power of your words. I took 4-5 verses that I had studied and then wrote them down for my son. I made a simple notebook page that I can make copies of and use each morning. I have him look up verses and read them on his own. He then writes out his favorite - the one he got the most out of. Then he writes or draws what that verse meant to him or how it helped, etc. Since we have both studied the same thing, we can continue to talk about it throughout the day. Or he can come to me with questions and we can discuss it further.

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Here's an idea that I just started started with my son. Yes, it takes a little bit of work on your part, but not much.


I like to do topical studies on my own each morning. Today I did speech and the power of your words. I took 4-5 verses that I had studied and then wrote them down for my son. I made a simple notebook page that I can make copies of and use each morning. I have him look up verses and read them on his own. He then writes out his favorite - the one he got the most out of. Then he writes or draws what that verse meant to him or how it helped, etc. Since we have both studied the same thing, we can continue to talk about it throughout the day. Or he can come to me with questions and we can discuss it further.


I like this idea!

Do you have a resource that you get the topics/verses from?  (or do you just use the concordance and come up with them each day?)

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I like this idea!

Do you have a resource that you get the topics/verses from?  (or do you just use the concordance and come up with them each day?)


I use my Life Lesson Study Bible. It has a devotional index in the front. However, used my NLT bible the same way by using the concordance before I started using this one.


What I like about using this approach is that we can focus on topics that are helpful depending on the circumstances at the time.


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