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Oops-DD just threw a monkey wrench in my plans!

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DD9 has been doing literature online the last two years and it's been a good fit. However, she noticed that there was an Etymology class she could take, and she's THRILLED with that opportunity, which kind of makes it hard to do literature at the same time.


So, I'm back to the drawing board-I need a literature/literary analysis option for a kid who is on a solid middle school level writing-wise, can read anything she wants, reads a ton of non-fiction, but in general, won't read a book that's fiction that doesn't have a dragon on the cover unless it's assigned.








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She's done the 5th and 6th grade lit classes at Athena's Advanced Academy. The 5th uses Jr. Great Books, plus novel study, the 6th is Novel study and poetry. She just did the last webinars for 6th grade today. It's been a good fit for her.


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Maybe she could try a writing class at Athena's instead? T liked the JH Writing Class with Eupheme. G3Online has lots of literature options, too. If you need to do something home based, I'd take a look at Sonlight's reading lists for their 6th and 7th grade world history courses. I wouldn't bother with the IG or anything, just use it as a suggested reading list.

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I just signed DD for her first online literature class at G3. It's just for the summer since I would really like to have a Shakespeare summer with her. I emailed the teacher who responded that both classes will be appropriate for DD. I'm also thinking of another Shakespeare class for her with clrchomeschool, which does require some writing. The content is safe for younger kids although most kids will be teenagers, but that won't bother DD.

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Shakespeare might be good-we have the option to do a local Shakespeare class with a Shakespeare company, but it doesn't involve any writing whatsoever (it's more a stage craft/acting class with the plays the company is doing that season as the spine), so that might be a good companion.  It's officially a teen class, but the organizer has told me DD is welcome. I've been waiting to start her until it's a play that I think will resonate with her (either something like Dream or Tempest which will appeal to her fantasy interests, or something like Julius Caesar, which she understands the historical background. They did Taming of the Shrew in the Spring, which didn't seem like a good fit for a kid who has trouble understanding why all the older girls spend their time talking about boys, clothes, boys, TV/Movie/music stars, and boys) Bravewriter has a Shakespeare class this summer as well that looks good, but I don't know if they'll have one in the fall or not.






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Shakespeare might be good-we have the option to do a local Shakespeare class with a Shakespeare company, but it doesn't involve any writing whatsoever (it's more a stage craft/acting class with the plays the company is doing that season as the spine), so that might be a good companion. It's officially a teen class, but the organizer has told me DD is welcome. I've been waiting to start her until it's a play that I think will resonate with her (either something like Dream or Tempest which will appeal to her fantasy interests, or something like Julius Caesar, which she understands the historical background. They did Taming of the Shrew in the Spring, which didn't seem like a good fit for a kid who has trouble understanding why all the older girls spend their time talking about boys, clothes, boys, TV/Movie/music stars, and boys) Bravewriter has a Shakespeare class this summer as well that looks good, but I don't know if they'll have one in the fall or not.

I looked at Bravewriter but it's more than I'm willing to pay for now. Maybe I'm confused about the format of the class - it's not live, right? I'm preferring an online class where there is live interaction. Otherwise, I could just teach it myself. AOPS is live but text-based, and DD doesn't type fast enough. It would be good to see the teacher's face and to listen to other kids. A few places allow this such as MP, clrchomeschool, G3. I'm leaning towards G3's Shakespeare classes for fall and spring, but I don't know whether DD qualifies as we have not used LL7 or LL8.


ETA: Of course a local class would be even better; they're summer camps but they always seem to be so expensive as if they are charging more because parents don't really have an option during the summer. I'm just not that willing (or able) to pay $600 for 2 weeks. But it does look so wonderful.

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