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s/o Fairy Tales--What are *your* two favorites?


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UGH. I was going to say this! You stole my favorite stories!! ;)


And I can't do the OP's activity of re-reading them and comparing my responses now as to when I was a child. I've never stopped reading them. I re-read fairy tales every year or so. There hasn't been a time when I read them only as a child and then re-read them now after many years have passed. It's only been like 18 months since I last re-read them. I don't think I've changed that much in 18 months. ;) I've grown with them and they've grown with me.


This is me, too! I "collect" (which sounds better than "purchase obsessivly") re-tellings and novelizations of fairytales. :D Robin McKinley's Beauty is my favorite Beauty and the Beast version. :001_wub:

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Actually, I remembered that one favorite is Grimm's, The Six Servants. I have used it as a read aloud (as a volunteer in school) -- good for both boys and girls, plus most kids have not heard the story before.





And the Russian Baba Yaga makes Hansel & Gretel look like a picnic.Why decorate a house with candy, when you can use human skulls?



9/11/2014 deleted photos as per SWB request





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Oh, & to go slightly off-topic from the original question.... I've read various books (as an adult) that are retellings/variations on fairy tales. I always find it interesting to see what the author does/how the story stays the same & how it changes. Anyway, a few that I'd highly recommend (for anyone who likes things like that) are:


Mr. Fox by Helen Oyeyemi (includes variations of Reynaud the Fox tales, which I did not ever read or know about when I was growing up; plus it has other various fairy tale elements in it)

Sleeping in Flame by Jonathan Carroll (weaves in elements of Rumpelstiltskin)

The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye by A.S. Byatt (various fairy tales retold for adults)


I love finding fairy tale elements in books for adults.


Does anyone else have some (for adults) to recommend?

Psyche in a Dress by Francesca Lia Block was kind of weird to me. I purchased it without having ever read it before because I need a few extra dollars to bring my Amazon purchase to $25. It's described as stories of greek gods in modern times, but it's even more disfunctional than I expected. But some people like that sort of thing.


Beauty by Nancy Butcher is a Snow White retelling that goes very much away for the original but does a great job talking about the obsession of Beauty and Youth and I liked it a lot.


Beastly by Alex Flinn (yes, the book the movie is based on.) I watched the movie first with a friend, then got the book. Then watched the movie again and yelled at it. ;) But I really like it. (Beauty and the Beast from the Beast's perspective, set in modern times, with teenagers.


Just Ella by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Cinderella after the Ball, but before the Wedding. I love this version and don't care it's for younger people.


Ella Enchanted (Cinderella, only SO MUCH BETTER) and Fairest (Snow White) by Gail Carson Levine. I also like her short fairy tale retelling series, The Princess Tales.


Spindle's End (Sleeping Beauty) and Beauty (Beauty and the Beast) by Robin McKinly


Spinners (Rumpelstiltskin) and Zel (Rapunzel) by Donna Jo Napoli-these are REALLY, REALLY good. Zel retains quite a bit of the original's darkness, and gets into the mother-daughter type relationship they have.


Scarlet Moon by Debbie Viguie (Red Ridding Hood) WARNING! This book got me pregnant with child #2. Okay, not really, but it is a romantic story. And it has some darkness. And , *SPOILER* Werewolves and Knights from the Crusade.


Just about anything from the Once Upon a Time series (not the TV show.) They use various authors, but they retell ALL of the classics in different ways. I own.....several of them.

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Actually, I remembered that one favorite is Grimm's, The Six Servants. I have used it as a read aloud (as a volunteer in school) -- good for both boys and girls, plus most kids have not heard the story before.





And the Russian Baba Yaga makes Hansel & Gretel look like a picnic.Why decorate a house with candy, when you can use human skulls?





Oh! You reminded me of Orson Scott Card's Enchanted which is Sleeping Beauty + Time Travel + Baba Yaga. I loved it.



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As a child, I DEARLY loved the Ruth Sanders Manning collections of fairy tales (Book of… Mermaids, Dragons, Wizards, Dwarves…), so impossible for me to choose… ;)


But "East Of The Sun, West Of The Moon" was lovely, combining elements of several other fairy tales, plus it wins the trophy for most poet title.


"Snow White and Rose Red" has not one but TWO beautiful, kind, good heroines -- but this one really is a tie with  "Twelve Dancing Princesses" and "The Nightingale".



I guess I'm more of a "Grimm" girl when it comes to my fairy tales. I was NOT fond of the sad and depressing endings in most of Hans Christian Anderson's stories -- although, paradoxically, I have a real soft spot for the tragic tales that are also ballets because of this book, given to me when I was quite young and longed to be a princess ballerina all in pink and sparkles named Susie…   :laugh:


Sadly, I didn't have access to the Andrew Lang tales (Blue Fairy Book, et. al.)  growing up, except when they were included in a few other fairy tale collections that I was given, but enjoy those, as well as Arabian Nights tales...


Ahhhhh…. contented sigh just thinking about fairy tales!



ETA -- oooo! I had forgotten all about Baba Yaga! LOVED that Russian witch! Oh my -- "The Tinderbox"! I DID love that one! And "The Five Chinese Brothers" -- SO fun! I am loving reading through everyone else's favorites -- and the links of the yummy illustrations -- The Golden Book of Cinderella, wow, I had the small version of that and adored it, along with The Wizard's Duel (from Disney's Sword in the Stone)! wonderful!

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I'm taking note of all your favorites. This thread has inspired me and I found a kindle version of the complete Grimm's tales with illustrations for.99 and a complete kindle version of HCA's tales for $2.99 both well formatted which can sometimes be an issue with converted e-books. I've also added to my list of beautifully illustrated fairytales with more Ruth Sanderson, Kuniko Craft and others.

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I'm taking note of all your favorites. This thread has inspired me and I found a kindle version of the complete Grimm's tales with illustrations for.99 and a complete kindle version of HCA's tales for $2.99 both well formatted which can sometimes be an issue with converted e-books. I've also added to my list of beautifully illustrated fairytales with more Ruth Sanderson, Kuniko Craft and others.

If you are looking for a good Jack and the Beanstalk, this edition is our favorite, gorgeous and oversized. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0810911604?ie=UTF8&at=&force-full-site=1&ref_=aw_bottom_links


Also, our favorite illustrated anthologies are those illustrated by Scott Gustafson. He has a new one coming out this year too!






My DD also has a great collection of individual illustrated books, and her favorites are the ones illustrated by Craft. You can't beat Andrew Lang's Fairy Book series though. Love the language and the value!

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I'm taking note of all your favorites. This thread has inspired me and I found a kindle version of the complete Grimm's tales with illustrations for.99 and a complete kindle version of HCA's tales for $2.99 both well formatted which can sometimes be an issue with converted e-books. I've also added to my list of beautifully illustrated fairytales with more Ruth Sanderson, Kuniko Craft and others.


Links to share? Pretty please? :D

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I'm taking note of all your favorites. This thread has inspired me and I found a kindle version of the complete Grimm's tales with illustrations for.99 and a complete kindle version of HCA's tales for $2.99 both well formatted which can sometimes be an issue with converted e-books. I've also added to my list of beautifully illustrated fairytales with more Ruth Sanderson, Kuniko Craft and others.


And if you want encouragement to spend money on lovely illustrated books… ;) Check out Tenggren's Arabian Nights!

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If you are looking for a good Jack and the Beanstalk, this edition is our favorite, gorgeous and oversized. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0810911604?ie=UTF8&at=&force-full-site=1&ref_=aw_bottom_links


Also, our favorite illustrated anthologies are those illustrated by Scott Gustafson. He has a new one coming out this year too!






My DD also has a great collection of individual illustrated books, and her favorites are the ones illustrated by Craft. You can't beat Andrew Lang's Fairy Book series though. Love the language and the value!


We have this illustrated version of HCA and this illustrated version of Grimm's, both of them are lovely.


I agree that Lang's Fairy Book series is wonderful. Ds is particularly fond of The Rainbow Fairy Book.


I, too, love Craft's illustrations. We've got several and they'll be ones that I'll keep in our permanent collection.


Thanks for the JATB link, it looks like fun!



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And if you want encouragement to spend money on lovely illustrated books… ;) Check out Tenggren's Arabian Nights!


Years ago ds was gifted an exquisite copy of Burton's translation. It is a huge book, the unexpurgated original with absolutely gorgeous pen and ink illustrations and woodcuts, highly stylized script and it conveys the sense that it is a book sacred stories, which it is. It is as dense as could be so it'll be something for him to read when he's a lot older. It's a very detailed and scholarly version. The illustrations are plentiful and some take up a whole page...




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Ironically, I didn't like fairy tales as a child--we only ever did Disney versions, which didn't interest me much. I did like the Town Mouse and the Country Mouse, but that is not really a fairy tale.

As an adult, I've delved into fairy tales and fallen in love. I like them surreal--my favorites are the Black Bull of Norway and the Golden Key. I have collected (for the kids of course, ahem) nearly every KC Craft illustrated fairy tale book I could find. I also like Paul Zelinsky, and Gennady Spirin--gorgeous art! Oh! And Trina Schart Hyman, who has retold/illustrated fairy tales and legends, like the Kitchen Knight, and St. George and the Dragon. Great art is such a wonderful doorway into a story.

My newest favorites are the Vasilisa/Baba Yaga stories--I've been focusing on Russian fairy tales lately. (BTW--which version of the tale is the picture above from? I'd love to get my hands on that!)

Coming at these stories for the first time as an adult is interesting--I wish I had the ability to compare my earlier thoughts to a more grown up understanding.

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