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Theoretical WTM Forum Dream Convention

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I was thinking about homeschooling conventions and realized that my dream homeschooling convention would likely feature many speakers who aren't usually speakers.  It would even contain several different members of the forum!  That led me to ask this question.  If you were to have your dream homeschooling convention featuring anyone you wanted at all, who would be there?


For me:


SWB (obviously)

Salman Khan of Khan Academy

ElizabethB for reading

FaithManor to talk about how to run a rocket team

Lewelma to talk about science fair projects


and I'm sure many more, those are just at the top of my head.


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Historically I have only attended my local HS conference for the used curriculum sale, as the speakers have not been of any interest at all.


Last year was the first time I attended a conference (not my local one) in order to listen to speakers.  It was the RFWP conference, and I absolutely loved it.  I am also incredibly excited that SWB is going to attend my small, local conference this year, as that is a great improvement over their past selections!


So my list would include:


Jim Weiss (I've never heard him speak, so I'm not sure how he is as a conference speaker)


Dr. Francis Spielhagen again.  I saw her speak at the RFWP conference and enjoyed her talk on Latin.

Ditto Shelagh Gallagher, I enjoyed her talks at RFWP, and would like to hear her speak about other topics related to gifted education and higher order thinking. 

Sir Ken Robinson

Lewelma speaking about science projects would be fabulous!


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I'd be interested in hearing Bernard Nebel speak about science.  Also the guy who wrote the older series of books that I'm obsessed with - Bernie Zubrowski.  He used to apparently work with kids programs at the Boston Science Museum and the Children's Museum.  In general, I've never seen anyone really talk about science at a convention.  It's always people telling you how to do projects (which, okay, cool, but I could just look that up) or doing something sort of surface or basic.  Ruth (Lewelma) would be a great speaker too!


It would be interesting to hear Liping Ma talk about math.  I went to a convention a few years ago with Ed Zaccaro and he was really good.  And if we're drawing from the boards, wouldn't be awesome if Rosie from Education Unboxed talked about math manipulatives?


I'd love to hear some non homeschooling people talk about brain research and kids and education.  There have been some good books going around that people here have discussed, so that would be cool.


I've heard Julie Bogart speak a couple of times now, but I'd see her again in a heartbeat.


Let's see...  other boards people...  Jenn from Guest Hollow could talk about how to make and schedule your own curriculum based on living books.

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8's writing

Liping Ma

Noah Webster (Tardis)

Don Potter with a hands on cursive teaching

Mary Dolciani (Tardis)



C.S. Lewis (Tardis)


My daughter would want to meet fellow lizard lovers, a small herp breakout group would be great!!

And, my son would want a Lego breakout group.

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I'm not in a financial position to be part of the convention scene but since it's a dream anyway, mine would have to include Hunter and Ellie.




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I agree with so many of the suggestions others have. I don't think I've heard a single one of them speak though and I'd love to! There's a few I haven't heard of too that I need to Google now. :-)


I'd love to hear Sonya Schaffer (sp?) again from SCM. She was so .....practical. Not just the "why" of CM style education but examples of how to actually do it.


From the WTM boards - 8FilltheHeart. I've loved reading her posts on here and I'd love to hear her in person. Her approach fascinates me. Also, I'd love to hear how she balances it all with a big family. :-)

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More Tardis folks:


Jacob Abbott, author of The Teacher. Chapter 3 is well worth reading, especially the first bit and his explanation of how to explain longitude.




I would also like to watch him teach!


I would have liked to see some other one room schoolteachers of the past teach, as well. Laura Ingalls Wilder and L.M. Montgomery come to mind offhand. I would listen to them speak as well, but watching them teach might be even more educational.

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I'd be interested in hearing Bernard Nebel speak about science. Also the guy who wrote the older series of books that I'm obsessed with - Bernie Zubrowski. He used to apparently work with kids programs at the Boston Science Museum and the Children's Museum. In general, I've never seen anyone really talk about science at a convention. It's always people telling you how to do projects (which, okay, cool, but I could just look that up) or doing something sort of surface or basic. Ruth (Lewelma) would be a great speaker too!

sed on living books.

I love the Boston Children's Museum series too, managed to find most of the used.
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