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Has anyone heard of stevia interrupting cycles?

Shelly in IL

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Do you use straight stevia? Maltodextrin is often used as a bulking agent, but some people find it irritating to their GI system, and maltodextrin is very high on the GI index.  The maltodextrin makes stevia easier to measure and pour, since it is so concentrated in sweetness by itself.


I use the straight stuff, as I don't want or need the maltodextrin.  I doubt that's the issue in your case, but mentioning it just in case.  I have PCOS, so my cycles are more regular when I eat little to no grains, sugars, etc.  Since that's why I use stevia, I don't want the maltodextrin.



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I do have PCOS.  I had irregular/nonexistent periods for years.  I started using stevia after I had my twins - my cycles are more regular now than they ever have been.  Dr. said I may have "outgrown" my PCOS (and I did have it for sure - lots of hormonal tests high LH/low FSH, high testosterone, 'string of pearls', high insulin, on top of the amenorrhea). 


I'm sure absolutely none of this has to do with my starting stevia, but could have something to do with doing low-carb for a reasonable period of time.  But at any rate, stevia sure hasn't made things worse.  I use a lot of stevia, too...

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Some people definitely report stevia affecting their fertility. That's why I stopped using it. Now, lots of people use it without any effect, as usual not everyone is the same, but there are DEFINITELY people who found stevia affected their fertility and cycles. It was traditionally used as a (very poor, apparenrtly) form of birth control among certain native tribes.


As for it's safety if it IS effecting your cycles? Well, there's no true research, it's fairly new to the artificial sweetener scene, and because it is natural people assume it must be safe (a commonly held, but very dangerous misconception for natural products in general. Natural products can have risks and side effects as well. There's plenty of natural toxins and poisons). If you are not looking to get pregnant then I doubt it poses any serious risk to you (not sure if it would be a problem in menopause). However, I don't let my children have it at all, as I am concerned about how anything which may effect cycles/fertility would effect a still developing body.


But, plenty of people use it every day without concern and it's in a number of commercially available foods now, so take my personal opinion and experience as you like.

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Can I say how ironic I'm finding it after reading all this that I have never been more regular than the years I've been using stevia?  Wonder if there is some correlation and if it has any hormonal effect, since mine were already screwed up, maybe it messed with them but in a good way? 

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Can I say how ironic I'm finding it after reading all this that I have never been more regular than the years I've been using stevia? Wonder if there is some correlation and if it has any hormonal effect, since mine were already screwed up, maybe it messed with them but in a good way?

My guess is that it probably effects a certain hormone, so if you were too high or low in it to begin with it could well have.

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