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If my mom wasn't staying with me, I'd have put this dog down already...

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I'm not a horrible person, I'm just not a sentamentalist when it comes to pets.


The dog isn't on death's door. He still eats, he still drinks, he can stand on his own with effort but he's really wobbly when he gets there. He can't be walked more than 10 feet or his back legs collapse.


The problem is, he poops all over the place, so he stays on our rather large back porch all the time now. I can't let the kids use our back yard because he's just so old, ornery, and unpredictable at this point.


So, in essence, he's a hassle...an inconvenience.


I'm sure you think I'm awful, but with the impending birth of seventh child, and my need for contained outdoor space when school begins, I really want to put him down.


My mom is a much more sentimental person than I am. If I even mention putting him down she tears up. I would have made the decision already if she wasn't here. She doesn't think it's "time" yet. I just don't know when it will be time. Is it any better to wait until he can't get up at all?


Am I alone here? Can anyone relate?




ETA: my mom isn't saying "don't." She repeatedly tells me that it is my decision completely. She does understand to a certain degree. I just know she will have a hard time with my decision if I put him down at this point. I don't want her to think badly of me- this isn't a psychoanalysis type of post, so try to vere clear of my need to be less of a pleaser when it comes to my parents ;). :D

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:grouphug: Check with your vet about his current condition. My very dear old dog was miserable, but to me he still seemed okay. His demeanor and symptoms were similar to your guy. :grouphug: There also might be something the vet could perscribe for him to help with the current symptoms and disabilities. Big hug, I understand.

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Yeah, I can relate. I love animals, but I'm of the opinion that a dog is meant to give pleasure to humans, and when that dog no longer brings joy to its family it needs a new home. I am the only person in my home that feels this way, so I've been in situations similar to yours. :grouphug:

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I've been there with two cats that I watched being born 17 years previous. They went everywhere with me and saw me through moves that were so stressful I thought I would never be the same again. When I went through infertility they became even more dear to me.


This is my perpective - if your dear dog is not relating to people and suffers (even quietly) then it is time. Your mother may feel like I felt. I knew it was time and I did not want to be the one to make the decision. I cleaned up time and time again thinking there was recovery just around the corner. It never came and truthfully I probably should have taken each of them to the vet 6 months sooner. They went about 6 months apart just after my third one was born. The hormones made me a wreck and complicated it.


Hugs to you. You can wait and watch the inevitable or you can take him in and greive before the hormones start making this an even harder choice.


OK. Hitting send through my teary eyes.

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Well, God gave us the ability to reason and do what is right, even when its tough. Your dog *needs* you to do the right thing- and in this case, it sure sounds like that is putting the dog to sleep. The dog is suffering, and that isn't right.


Mom or no mom, you are responsible for your dog's care. Its hard-but we *are* the humans, so *we* have to do it.


Hugs to you, and your poor doggy.

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If I were the dog I would be ok with going out now because you would resent me less. Leave on good terms, dignified death/end of life....etc.

If the dog's legs give out every 10 feet - there probably is some pain involved. I want to take my own self out before anyone has to wipe my butt or remind me who I am.

ETA: A big hug to you - I have BTDT....difficult to make the decision but you have to do it before they suffer too much.

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