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Donald Sterling


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 I think it's concerning they are banning him for something that was illegally taped that he said in the privacy of his own home. (the implications of Orwellian thought police comes to mind.)


 why didn't they ban him for things he actually DID (discrimination in housing) that triggered investigations by the justice dept?  (silver was specifically asked that question - and said it was only for what he said.)


makes me think the only reason he was banned is public pressure, not because the nba has any particular scruples. 


I don't disagree. The NBA is out to make money. They made this decision because sponsors were already dropping the team and they were worried about a drop in ticket sales. I just don't see why public pressure against racism is so bad.

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I don't disagree. The NBA is out to make money. They made this decision because sponsors were already dropping the team and they were worried about a drop in ticket sales. I just don't see why public pressure against racism is so bad.


it's because if there *hadn't* been any public pressure - the question is there if they would have done anything at all.  probably not.  they (neither the nba or sponsers) didn't care when the justice dept went after sterling for discrimination in housing - which is an action. (but the public wasn't very aware of it.)  the point is- the nba doesn't care about racism - just money.


(and they are pretty racist themselves.  I've a friend irl whose bil is a retired nba player.  they were constantly encouraged to live VERY showy lifestyles to attract inner city at risk youth into thinking playing ball would be a way to make money.  not because the nba cared about the kids - but because they wanted to have kids learning to play so one day they might be good enough to play pros, and the nba could make money.  most of those kids are never good enough for pro ball and they'd have been better off being encouraged to study.


eta: did you know most pro ball players are broke after they retire because they are encouraged to spend spend spend?   our financial planner has a unique method and the nfl (after much skepticism) invited him - the only one they support - to start speaking to their players because they want their players to have money when they retire.)

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Meh.  The privacy issue would matter to me if the violation was by a government agency.  The action was by a private citizen acting on her own behalf, and what she did is legal in many states.  

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(and they are pretty racist themselves.  I've a friend irl whose bil is a retired nba player.  they were constantly encouraged to live VERY showy lifestyles to attract inner city at risk youth into thinking playing ball would be a way to make money.  not because the nba cared about the kids - but because they wanted to have kids learning to play so one day they might be good enough to play pros, and the nba could make money.  most of those kids are never good enough for pro ball and they'd have been better off being encouraged to study.


That statement sounds a bit suspect.  DH and I are friends with several former NBA (and NFL) players and have never heard anything like that.  I do know both leagues provide financial seminars to rookie players and encourage them to get trustworthy financial and legal representation.  Both leagues also have former players who blew through their earnings provide counseling to incoming players as well.  Oddly enough, I don't believe 20-somethings maing 7 figure incomes need to be "encouraged" to be flashy.

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I think comparing privacy violations by the NSA to complaining about black people to your half-black mistress is a pretty ridiculous comparison. Do we have a right to privacy from government agencies? Yes. Do we have an expectation that anything we say to a questionable girlfriend/mistress/any person we might be sleeping with/dating will forever be kept secret? No, I don't think we should have that expectation at all. In fact, that's pretty naive and even more than a little stupid to believe.


And a private agency following its own by-laws for expectations of behavior and following its own rules for disciplinary actions doesn't equal sticking anyone's head on a pike. Again, I know *lots* of people who have been fired/in trouble/lost chances for promotions/had their career ruined for less than what he said/did/has done.

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Well I have some insight (won't say how) into the Mozilla thing. The real crux of that problem was that there is fierce competition in Silicon Valley to attract talent. And once the talent didn't want to interview with Mozilla, it was a matter of the health and future of the company to have the CEO leave.

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