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Why does this stuff always happen to me?

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My kids have their first co-op classes tomorrow. They are really excited about going. I am helping in a lit class and the teacher can't make it so I agree to teach the class. Right after co-op I have to run my son 30 minutes away for OT. Stressful, but it can be done.


The phone just rang and I am called for jurty duty ( again!) tomorrow. UGHHHH. :banghead: This will be the 3rd time since my term began in May and I am praying the last time. I don't care @ serving , it's just why does it have to happen the day of co-op? kwim? Nothing is ever simple for me.


My Dh is going to try to leave work so he can drive them, but it's the POINT.


Vent over.

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