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I need help finding a math program. I REALLY like A beka in the younger grades. But this year I'll have 10 kids in school and can't teach it all. I have jumped around so much in math. My kids like MUS. But IDK I just feel it needs more. I hate supplementing. We did Singapore for awhile but once to level 4A I'm lost. I'm terrible at math.BJU was okay but I can't teach each kid and video is pricey. We've done Saxon. It's not bad. It just doesn't go over well here. TT was never getting done we do a lot of school in the van.MM and I said some not so kind words! I hate how they explained stuff. I was thinking about trying horizon math. But I'm burned out on math.There has to be a math out there. I personally like more spiral than mastery. Can someone help me with a math line up?

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I was just going to say Horizons. We tried I think 3 different programs before we found it and it's worked beautifully for my daughter. The lessons are short which  helps and very spiral so I'm not worried about her picking something up the first time, I know it's going to come around several times. Do you have somewhere  local you  could check it out before you committed? 

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Third vote for CLE. Easy to get done {it is independent from the 300 level on}, easy to cart around, easy on your budget, easy explanations. The one thing that is most important, however is to have your kids take the free placement test below and start them where they place even if it is easy at first. CLE is no fluffy math program! And to buy the reference cards. Those things are great. They have loads of useful formulas, etc. that carry over to any math program.


This is the link to the placement tests. Click on the 'sample' button to pull it up.




Last thing, my older 2 have been correcting their own math for years. If you don't wnat the kids doing their own, have them switch off with each other for correcting.

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For my older, our primary "spine" is Tablet Math and I am also using SOS to make sure we are covering the bases.  Just this year I started DD in SOS for the same reason.  She can work independently and it covers the topics sequentially.  I have also used MUS and we still watch the DVDs but don't use the workbooks.  Sometimes I also supplement with an actual ps textbook that has free online tutorials.  I also use Dreambox as an independent supplement for the kids.  If I don't think they understand something, I go to Khan Academy or Sophia for additional video tutorials on the topic.  


Of all the above, Tablet Math (for older students) and MUS do the best job of teaching the math for me.  So in your case, if you want to stick with one program I'd use MUS.  



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CLE! It's spiral, has lots of review, inexpensive, clear directions, traditional style math that won't confuse you, and it comes in small workbooks that are easy to pack in car. 

This. CLE is 80% independent and the TMs are easy to follow. It's spiral.  In your position you have to exchange ideal for realistic. Math has to get done …. and you may want to consider outsourcing higher level math because you can't possibly teach that many students. If you have an older kiddo who is trustworthy and capable I'd consider hiring him/her to tutor a younger in math for a season or two. 


I can't imagine having 10 to teach. I am totally overwhelmed with 4 students … God bless you.

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