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Quick! Tell me what I need to know about HSG Testing!


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Tomorrow morning I am undergoing HSG testing. I made the mistake of googling 'what to expect' and am now more than a bit panicky!


My doctor didn't mention anything about pain or duration, and of course the online mentions are of doom and horror.

I haven't actually planned for anything rough...in fact, whilst hubby is staying home to watch our 4 yr old during the test, I will be rushing to get back before he has to teach his noon class. Of course, he could cancel it if necessary but we are both always loathe to do that as it isn't fair to the students nor to him.


Can the hive tell me what to expect? Should we be making arrangements? There really isn't anyone to watch my dd, so I will be on my own in the afternoon with her.

Any advice?

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I had mine about 20 years ago.  I remember feeling a bit crampy afterwards.  It was tolerable, but I went to bed when I got home.  I had mine done in the late afternoon and my husband drove me there and home.  Hopefully someone has had one more recently to give you advice.  I do remember getting to look at the screen and with the dye it really showed what all the parts looked liked.  I remember thinking I really did look like what it shows in those textbooks!  That part was really cool!

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I had one about 15 years ago and for me, it was incredibly painful.  I could barely stand up straight afterwards.  It was horrible.  I was told that it would be uncomfortable but for me, it far surpassed uncomfortable.  Thankfully, my mother had driven me there.  I don't remember how long the pain lasted though.  

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Ugh! That makes me very nervous. I can't believe the doctors nor the nurses that pre-registered me didn't say ANYTHING. If hubby stays home with our dd4, I will have to drive myself. I am in a wheelchair, and not sure if that will be a benefit or make it worse! (At least I won't have to worry about being unable to walk out, lol:)

And of course, the appt is first thing on a Monday morning so I won't even be able to get clarification prior from the doctors office:(

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I remember a similar thread a year or so ago. Some women said it was nothing. Some said it was horrible. Some who said it was nothing said if you relaxed it would be fine. Then some of those who had pain said it had nothing to do with being relaxed. It got 'unpleasant.' 


For what it's worth. I had it done and it was no big deal. I had mild discomfort that I couldn't even really call cramps. But, I had already had several children so my cervix was easily passed. That seems to be the point of difficulty for many women. Hopefully, you will have a blessedly easy time.


There are many people who have very little or even no pain at all. I hope you fall into that category.

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I also had it done twice.  The first time was HORRIBLE!  I'm not sure the Dr. really knew what she was doing.  This Dr. was not my normal Dr. -- just the one assigned to do those procedures that day at the hospital I went to.  She didn't do a very good job, and I needed to have it done again.  My fertility Dr. did my second procedure per my request.  SO MUCH BETTER and very, very manageable.  I cannot remember if I took pain medication before I went for either procedure.  My DH did drive me home though, which was really good after the 1st procedure.


Wishing you a good experience.  Update us when you can! 

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Thanks to everyone who responded!

I am updating so that anyone else who may go looking for answers to this question can find it.


I was pretty nervous, and did end up taking a couple of Aleve before I went. In addition to the doctor, there were two lovely nurses there to assist...both of which had been through the procedure. They were able to answer all questions and talk me through it. I always feel like this is a huge plus, especially with a male doctor who really cannot possibly understand regardless😄


The initial part was just the regular fun times uncomfortable feeling of a routine exam, but upon injection of the dye it was slightly uncomfortable. I would not even use the word pain, but I do ten to have a high pain tolerance. My doctor and one of the nurses seemed to think the only time it is really painful is if there is blockage. In fact, one of the nurses is undergoing fertility testing and told me her first HsG was somewhat painful as she had a blockage of one Fallopian tube...which the dye cleared. The next time she had one it was not painful at all.

So, there you have it. All that worry and it was a non-event:)

When will I learn that you should NEVER consult Google the night before a test or a procedure?!

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