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So, back in November I finally decided to take the plunge and eliminate gluten from DD's diet. I had thought it might be worth a try, but had been resisting hardcore for a long time because I hate anything to do with food except eating it, so sandwiches and cereal kept my kids alive during the day so I only had to deal with one meal.


So, the planning, shopping, putting away groceries and cooking food part that I hate... Yeah. I wasn't about to cook separate food, nor listen to DD whine about her restrictions and life not being fair. Therefore, the whole family was going gluten-free. Easiest for me to wrap my head around was Primal/paleo (dd was already mostly dairy free aside from an occasional ice cream or pizza).


It wasn't a huge surprise to me to discover my own gluten intolerance after getting it out of my system. Celiac is in my family, and I've had digestive problems my whole life. So, I avoid it like the plague now after challenging it more than a couple times and paying big time, every time.


Now, though I think I have to eliminate sugar -even my beloved dark chocolate. Waaah. Sugar was my occasional "cheat" - like a pop, or dark chocolate but I'm reacting to that now, too. :( Headaches, lightheadedness, and nausea. Boo. Not as bad/strong as gluten, but still...


My birthday is coming up on the weekend and DH won't be here for it. I planned to treat myself with something really easy like dark chocolate covered nuts and raisins. I guess there are no "cheat the diet" days in my future.


There is really no point to this. I just had to whine somewhere. :(

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I forgot to add... there are a few decent no-sugar alternative.  Not the same, I know, but okay.   I found that Wegmann's sells a pretty good sugar-free dark chocolate in their candy and nuts section.  You buy it by the pound.  Also, Cavalier sells chocolate made with Stevia.  Not bad and I don't normally like Stevia.   I have found that the dark chocolate versions are better (and easier on the tummy) than the milk chocolate sugar free options.   I found Cavalier at Whole Foods, but you may be able to find it online too.



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I have a hard time with processed sugar anymore, too, after going off gluten. I had a horrible aversion to it when pregnant (the sight of cookies made me gag), and now I just do not want. Chocolate really irritates my stomach. I drink a homemade iced coffee with a teaspoon of maple syrup and some unsweetened almond milk every morning as my "treat". I did buy a bag of buttered popcorn flavored Jelly Belly beans last weekend, but I can only stomach about 2-3 pieces per day. I think it actually has something to do with blood sugar, because eating plain rice or potatoes with no fat/protein sometimes causes problems too. I'm not intentionally low carb at all, but that seems to happen when not eating wheat, and starchy foods seem to "shock" my system.


We tried alternative sweeteners, but they made DH's and my mom's hair fall out. Yikes.


Is there anything savory you like to have for a treat? My birthday indulgence is PF Changs, because I want someone else to cook and clean up a GF Asian meal for once. It's not cake, but it's also not cooking!

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I don't know if this will help....but could you look at it as a perspective thing? For me, birthdays, holidays...basically any family gathering involves food. So, specific food is what I now look forward to for those events. Since your daughter is also needing to follow a restrictive diet, if you look at it as starting something new for her, so as an adult she won't attach food meaning to holiday meaning, would that help to not be disappointed on your birthday?

Maybe instead of a special cheat treat, the holidays & birthdays will involve a special outing to the mall for a new outfit, the makeup counter for a new look, etc. It kind of stinks for the parent in identifying those connections between love & food & special-ness. But, for your daughter, when she gets to be an adult she'll be saying "I can't wait for my birthday to get my new outfit" or "I love Christmas because we always play board games" or something to that effect.

I'm not trying to say it's not hard!! 

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Some of my favorites that are minus gluten and regular sugar (well and dairy and eggs too cause I can't have those either):

1. Avocado chocolate pudding. Just mix ripe avocado, unsweetened cocoa, and maple syrup. Tastes like a dark chocolate pudding.


2. Banana ice cream. Freeze a few bananas in your freezer (unpeeled in a ziplock). Put in blender with a tiny amount of milk (I use coconut milk since I can't have dairy), Cocoa powder and maple syrup. Sometimes also add a nut butter. Or if you like fruity desserts blend with milk and fruit instead.


3. Coconut date rolls. Just made of coconuts and dates. A couple of my local health stores sell them. I'm obsessed.

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Thanks for the ideas and suggestions. I've never been a huge sweets eater, so it should be easier for me than some. It was only the occasional cheat-treat to begin with. I don't really like ice cream, but will definitely be trying the avocado chocolate pudding.


And I can still eat fruit, so far. I actually prefer to just heat up some frozen fruit because it gets "soupy" to put on top of my waffles (paleo ones now), because syrup is too sweet.

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