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Sumo Citrus

Mom in High Heels

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Does anyone eat Sumo Citrus?  They are huge and not a pretty fruit from the outside, but on the inside, they are pure delicious.  I was hesitant to buy one, but we like citrus, so I thought we could at least try it.  Holy cow!  They are seriously delicious.  They are like a similar in taste to a clementine, but meaty if that makes sense.  If you see them in the store, pick one up and try it!

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I'd never heard of it before.  What store carries it?


Our commissary carries it, and I've seen them at Safeway.  They are only available Feb-May.  If you see one, grab it! 


I read the title wrong. I thought it said sumo circus. I just had to click on the link to see what that was. 😃


Hahahaha!  Now I want to see a sumo circus.  :)

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I clicked having no idea what this would be.  Is it some weird Japanese TV show?  Is it a new app?


But looking at the fruit, they remind me of Honeybells…also known as Mineolas.


Super juice and delicious.  I love them.  Will have the look for the sumo kind. :D

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I can't read this thread title without thinking of sumo wrestlers, and when I think of sumo wrestlers, "Boy, I'll bet they eat a lot of fresh fruit," is not what immediately comes to mind.


I had never heard of sumo citrus before this thread, although it looks sort of familiar now that I saw the pictures on the website. like maybe I saw them in the store, but thought they were some sort of weird orange that had gone horribly bad, but your description makes them sound tasty, so I'd definitely be willing to buy some. :)

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