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Help me think through my math dilemma???

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DS13 is just now finishing up MUS Episilon and still has to do decimals and percents.  He is in 7th and will be in 8th next year.  I think pre-algebra or algebra is where he should be next year so that he is on track for his high school years.  My thoughts are to have him skip the next MUS and do the Key To... workbooks to catch him up and then begin pre-algebra TT.  Thoughts?  Thanks...

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Whatever you choose to do, I would make sure he is solid on the math before pushing him into areas that he is not ready for. Fractions, decimals, and percents are all areas that kids have trouble with in prealgebra. Once you move on, don't be afraid to go back and solidify any topics he is having trouble with.

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I know LOF works through those more quickly than others, or can at least. So you want:


8th: Pre-Algebra

9th: Algebra I

10th: Geometry

11th: Algebra II

12th: Pre-Calculous/Trigonometry


Is it more important to you that he masters the decimals and percents or that he reaches Trig? That answer will answer your question.

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I agree that being solid in fractions, decimals, percents, etc. is really going to make getting through pre-Algebra/Algebra much easier than rushing through to start pre-Algebra by a certain grade.  I was not solid in those subjects and I struggled.  I have friends whose kids were not solid in those subjects and they struggled.  I read about it on the boards all the time.  Kids who are not solid in these areas struggle with Pre-Algebra and Algebra.  I am now doing the Key to Series (all of them is the plan) for myself so that when the kids get to pre-A and Algebra I will have a more solid understanding of those subjects so I can better help them but I am not rushing the kids through these areas.  They are critical and if he has those down then Pre-Algebra and Algebra should go a lot more smoothly and may make it possible to catch up later on if you have to slow down now.  If those aren't solid then trying to get through high school level math may take a LOT longer than planned and he may not achieve mastery.


If MUS doesn't seem to be working, then consider switching.  If it is actually working, and you both like the system, then you might stay with it but consider incorporating other sources, too (like the Key to series or MM or whatever) to make certain he really understands the material from different angles before he tries to tackle pre-Algebra/Algebra.  


If you really want to stay with your preferred schedule but you don't think the current pace will allow for it, would schooling through summer be possible (if you aren't already)?


Good luck and best wishes.

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I just gots an idear!! If he's still not where you want him to be later he could take Geometry and Algebra 2 simultaneously. Google seems to think that could work. Or perhaps now he can take decimals and percents alongside prealgebra? I have no idea if these are good ideas, and I'm not suggesting that you do them because I have experience or whatnot, it just came to me at 2 in the morning and I knew if I went back to sleep the idea wouldn't be there in the morning. Goodnight.

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My youngest has been on the slow side of math. We had done MUS because it was a good fit for him.  But we lacked consistency, and we moved, and dh was .... well a whole set of life situations..... and he was "behind" traditional grade levels. We did use some key to books to fill in some gaps.


He did TT7 which was a perfect fit... and then we floundered with curriculum.  He has done Algebra 1, using several different texts, for one high school credit. He did not really understand well graphing and factoring of polynomials.  We have been doing MUS Geometry and reviewing algebra 1.


If I had it to do over again with my son, I would not "worry" about the high school credits.  I would settle on ONE curriculum for algebra and stick with it.  I would do math 4 days a week all around the year. Now that he is 16, developmentally, math is finally 'clicking' with him and he is understanding. He is able to comprehend well and move much faster through the material.


I'm planning on going back to TT for Algebra 2.  I wish I would have just progressed from TT7, but I was so worried about those high school credits! 


So..... forget about the high school credits (for now). I bet your son will mature enough to be able to handle the higher maths in plenty of time to graduate. Doing math year round gives you the extra time you need... you'll be able to do 2 academic years worth in one calendar year (or almost anyway).  Find a curriculum that works and stick with it.


THat is my 2 cents.

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DS13 is just now finishing up MUS Episilon and still has to do decimals and percents.  He is in 7th and will be in 8th next year.  I think pre-algebra or algebra is where he should be next year so that he is on track for his high school years.  My thoughts are to have him skip the next MUS and do the Key To... workbooks to catch him up and then begin pre-algebra TT.  Thoughts?  Thanks...


Honestly, if MUS is working well, my choice would be to go for Zeta now, and finish it during the summer, and then start whatever Pre-Algebra program you want to use after that.


My only caution: be SURE DS has a very solid understanding of factions, decimals, percents, and positive/negative integers going into Pre-Algebra. If that means finishing MUS Zeta (or Keys to workbooks) into the next school year before starting your Pre-Algebra, do so. Trying to rush through the foundational skills that are needed for the higher math subjects (high school Algebra etc.) is a recipe for disaster later on.


BEST of luck, whatever you decide! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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If MUS isn't working, doing Key to for decimals and percents would be fine, but if MUS is working, why do you think it would be faster for him to learn the same topics with Key to rather than MUS?


He really really needs this material before pre-algebra/algebra.

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