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Why oh why didn't i do this before

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Last year dh built out our garage into a gorgeous homeschool room. I mean gorgeous. 


And i've even redone it some more since then to make it even nicer. But.


We still did school in the living room. Idon't know why. Probably because it was easier for me to do dishes, tidy up, do "other" things when I was in the living room. I felt more 'connected' to my house. I don't know.


Anyway, DS11 has been super distractible the last year or so. Petting the dogs, playing with his cards,looking out the window, you name it. DH kept saying, "um why don't you use the homeschool room? I bet it would help him focus, being in a separate "school" area." But I didn't. 


Until last week. I just decided as hard as it was for me to stay in the school room until 1 or 2, I would do it. And I have. And my children are both focusing SO MUCH better. AND the house is staying neat and uncluttered from books, papers, pencils etc.


It's still really hard for me to stay in the school room--there's so much to do in the house and I think "oh, they're doing their math so nicely I could just slip out and tidy the living room" but NOOOO--as soon as I do, havoc ensues. 


I have learned my lesson. Whether I can stick with it remains to be seen. 


ETA: I was reminded that I posted updated pics a while ago: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/482354-my-redone-inviting-hs-roomits-done-pics/

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I need more info. I'll look at your link later. My dh actually suggested tearing down our attached garage and building something else. It needs repair at any rate. Lots of repair. I either need to decide on a homeschool room, or a better garage. Both ideas are appealing to me. We would have to move or at least change the current set up of our home business if we do. And that means taking our partners ideas into consideration as well.


A better garage wouldn't affect the work, but a homeschool room would. I love the idea of going to school to stay on task. I totally understand what you're saying here.



But I do love the storage. The garage is handy for bikes, lawn mowers, tools, etc. I don't like the idea of that stuff being in the yard year round. And I really don't like the shed we have in the back. 


Okay just looked at your pics. That's more or less what I had in mind, except we wouldn't have a garage door. The entire structure of our garage would need to taken down and the room built from scratch.

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I find it helps if I have "work" to do.  It took me FOREVER to realize that I don't have to be doing things associated with homeschooling while they're doing school.  I don't even mind bring pleasure reading books to the table now, as long as I'm focused on something.  Bring things into the room that you need to work on, including your own educational stuff, monthly bills, etc. so you can keep busy too (and stay put).


I love, love, love  the idea of a separate school room and you are right--yours is so wonderful!  I like how everything is stored neatly and within easy reach.   You can even escape out there to prepare new lessons and won't be disturbed (and you don't have to clear off the table for lunch or dinner!). 


Good for you for finding a way to make it work!



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I don't think another room is the key, so much as you not doing all the stuff you want to be doing.


Art Robinson talked about the importance of children seeing the parent doing book work, while they were doing their bookwork. Children model the parent's behavior and priorities.

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I would definitely go all Art Robinson in that room. I would sit and model how I wanted my children to study.


As beautiful as it is, the way it is, I'd want to claim an area as exclusively mine. And I would maybe want to offer the children the same option.


The way the dogs and cats all claimed the couch. They were saying, this spot is mine. I'd want my spot.

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Kiddo has a desk for longer seatwork (otherwise his posture suffers, and it also keeps him on task). I use a 2.5ft diameter, cute, decorative round storage ottoman that is the right height for laptop work with my plush armchair/ recliner. Our study area is the family room and I wanted a cozy but also multi-tasking layout.

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Do you have an iPad or something to take with you so you don't get bored?  As you say, sometimes you just need to be there supervising.  They don't have to see that you're playing Angry Birds.   :lol: 


It's still really hard for me to stay in the school room--there's so much to do in the house and I think "oh, they're doing their math so nicely I could just slip out and tidy the living room" but NOOOO--as soon as I do, havoc ensues. 



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I totally agree about the room making the difference. We use an extra downstairs bedroom. It is a bit small for all of us (waiting for DH to finish our extra 3rd garage), but I <3 it!!

I shut the door and we get to work. My kids are little, so I have less downtime, but when I do I have my laptop/tablet handy. (hey you can always visit here) I pay bills, answer emails, etc.

I can on occasion sneak out for 2 minutes to switch laundry or grab a drink,but they know I am listening and never far away!

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I'd want a table or a working space, not an easy chair. If the children were unschooling and sitting in easy chairs themselves, that would be different. But they are at a table, doing bookwork, right?


I hope I'm not being rude.


Yes they work at desks, except when they're reading-then they're permitted to sit in a comfy chair ;) I usually am doing flashcard prep on Quizlet for them, or work on curriculum planning. So a desk would be nice--but it's really tight in there. 

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I might be tempted to sit on the loveseat with a lap-desk and work on paperwork. Within reach, I might have lovely basket or decorative box with a few books of literature and nonfiction, as well as a few comfort items such as lavender scented hand lotion.


Of course the reality is you are probably busy non-stop! :tongue_smilie:  We can dream though, right?

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I would sacrifice a small body part for an actual separate school room. If my wireless reached that far, I would have no problem staying in the room all day. I am very good at playing a surreptitious game of candy crush while my kid works on spelling. Please, make me stay in there while the kids do school work!


Heck, if wireless reached that far, and it has a door, I might find myself in there pretty much all the time 'school planning'.


I am an introvert in a small house with almost no privacy.

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I might be tempted to sit on the loveseat with a lap-desk and work on paperwork. Within reach, I might have lovely basket or decorative box with a few books of literature and nonfiction, as well as a few comfort items such as lavender scented hand lotion.


You just described my set up. :) Substitute recliner for loveseat and a pretty, fabric ottoman for lap desk. And oh, substitute citrus verbena hand lotion for lavender (it was cheaper!). :) My lovely basket is a wicker on wheels so I can pull it to another space if needed. My lotion and pens and planner etc sit inside a smaller wicker organizer with handle that can fit into the larger wicker if needed.

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We've always done school in our separate school room and it's the only way we seem to stay focused and productive. People have told me they'd feel claustrophobic in one room all day, but it's a big room, as big as some people's living rooms (19x21) and we don't feel squished in there at all. All of our materials are right there, the 3 yr old's special school toys are right there, etc. And I stay more focused in there, I don't take phone calls or do chores or things that tend to distract me. If the big kids are busy working and don't need me, I play with my 3 yr old or read to him, but before he came along, I'd just work on my grocery list or something like that, or do my own reading. Right now, if my 3 yr old is occupied too, (rare right now, but hopefully more and more as he gets older), then I work in my own math book since I'm refreshing my algebra and geometry knowledge before they get there. My house might not be as neat as it would be, but I think what I spend my focused time on in there is better for me and the kids in the long run anyway.

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One thing i am learning is that I need to get up a little bit earlier, get things done BEFORE school begins, and then go in the school room and NOT COME OUT until lunch. That's really hard for me. I always feel like there are a million things I need to do. But it definitely doesn't help that I am a slow riser in the morning (usually up at 8 am, school starts at 9). 


I am going to train myself, slowly, to get up at 7:15. I will get up at.....7:50 tomorrow. Like I said, I gotta go slowly...hmmm, maybe if I have the coffee pot right next to my bed. Or an IV drip.....

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quark-i love the idea of a wicker basket on wheels--where can i find such a thing?


I have a World Market outlet in my little city and sometimes get lucky by happening to visit just when they have baskets/ furniture on sale. I'm not able to find mine online to show you. I see that Pottery Barn has several like it but theirs has sections and they call it recycling baskets while mine is just one long basket without sections. http://www.potterybarn.com/products/jacquelyne-rattan-recycling-bin-baskets/


ETA: tried to attach photos but couldn't.


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One thing i am learning is that I need to get up a little bit earlier, get things done BEFORE school begins, and then go in the school room and NOT COME OUT until lunch. That's really hard for me. I always feel like there are a million things I need to do. But it definitely doesn't help that I am a slow riser in the morning (usually up at 8 am, school starts at 9). 


I am going to train myself, slowly, to get up at 7:15. I will get up at.....7:50 tomorrow. Like I said, I gotta go slowly...hmmm, maybe if I have the coffee pot right next to my bed. Or an IV drip.....

This is so me!!  That's what I need to do, start getting up just 5-10 minutes earlier and work up to an earlier morning very, veeerrryyyy slowly.  I'm not a coffee drinker, but holy crap, sometimes I think my life would be so much better if I was.  :lol:

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This is so me!!  That's what I need to do, start getting up just 5-10 minutes earlier and work up to an earlier morning very, veeerrryyyy slowly.  I'm not a coffee drinker, but holy crap, sometimes I think my life would be so much better if I was.  :lol:


I'm a bit of an early riser, BUT I'm not a morning do-er. LOL. That's my issue. 


Love the room ideas!

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