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Alone in the Wilderness

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Those of you with cable TV might have seen this before, but I'd never heard of it.  It's a documentary filmed in the late 60's about a guy (age 51) who moves to rural Alaska for a year (and ends up staying for 30).  It shows him in detail building a log cabin, chronicling his daily work and the nature surrounding him.  All my kids, from age 2-16, were simply fascinated.  Way cool.





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My kids love that kind of stuff.  Plus, doing Prairie Primer this year, it will be neat to show my youngers that pioneering has been going on in the most rural areas even in recent years. 


Thanks! Hope your days are improving and you see a glimmer of the sunrise.  I just passed that point with one of my ds and, boy, does it make a difference!! Two more to go!!



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The documentary is really interesting. He lived up there for quite a few years. I could probably do the same … in Hawaii!  :p


One favorite quote in the movie was when he said something along the lines of, "The river is a like a woman, demanding and temperamental."  I said, "Well, I can see why he lived ALONE in the wilderness for 30 years."



Thanks! Hope your days are improving and you see a glimmer of the sunrise.  I just passed that point with one of my ds and, boy, does it make a difference!! Two more to go!!



Actually, I'm sitting here trying to sift through various online programs.  The costs are shocking!  Seriously, one program was retailing for $22,000-$30,000 ... "depending on course selection".  Whaaaaaaaat???  I was at a low point the other day, so now things are better, but still unsure of how we can possibly get this done for two.more.years.   :crying:   Thank you for the note.  I'm homeschooling "alone in the wilderness", so having some online support means a lot.

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One favorite quote in the movie was when he said something along the lines of, "The river is a like a woman, demanding and temperamental."  I said, "Well, I can see why he lived ALONE in the wilderness for 30 years."

I laughed out loud at that line. My very PC aunt became apoplectic and huffed out of the room mumbling something about a "s@xist pig." I laughed out loud at that too. In real life, I think he moved to Alaska after his wife died.


My son adored that movie when he was 7/8 years old. I found it very soothing to watch over and over (which is not true of most of the documentaries my son watched again and again).


I didn't know there were sequels... off to investigate and probably spend more money.

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