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A simple history program for 5th grade, ideally with projects

Annie Laurie

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Planning for next year...


My 4th grader loves Project Passport more than any history program we've ever done. We are about done with the Middle Ages unit and will start Renaissance and Reformation in a couple of weeks. We'll be done with that by summer and that's the last unit they'll have available.


He can not stand it when I read a non-fiction spine to him, or at least, A Child's History of the World made him cry. :huh: So, now he's not to open to the idea of Story of the World either. He loves projects. I like Project Passport, because while it's a ton of work to print out and set up, once I have that all done, it's very easy to use and does not take up a ton of our time. I have to really streamline things since I have several kids I'm hsing, and I have a 3 yr old, and an overview of history is fine with me right now, and is not our focus.


Any ideas on what we could use after Project Passport?

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Did you look at their Time Travelers series? 


I know it's American History, but it looks fun.


Maybe read some of the Genevieve Foster books to go with it for background and other world events. Columbus and Sons, World of John Smith, etc.


American history wasn't on my radar, so I hadn't looked at it. But, after thinking about it, I suppose it doesn't really matter what history he does next year, and he would LOVE it! I have all the History of US book he could read through with it. He has plenty of time to cover world history. Thanks for the idea! I'm going to take a closer look and see if he could do a lot of the projects on his own.

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I, too, would suggest Diana Waring's History Revealed. On her home page there is a short vid (little over 1 min) of a testimony from a student who didn't care for history prior to using HR. At the top there is a tab that says "Our Curriculum". If you click on that you will see the option to try it for free. YOu can down load a full 1 month unit of any of her programs and try it before buying. It won't include the audios, but it will have the rest. The one that seems to best fit where you will be taking up in time would be Romans, Reformers, Revolutionaries. 


With this program all of the basic info (and more) is provided via articles and audios. Then the student chooses which projects to do thru the unit. He chooses which topic he is interested in and where to dig further. 

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Just when I think I know what I want to use for ever you go and post this LOL... I am looking at Homeschool in the Woods now!  and at their samples... it does look like moving through their time travelers series will flow as a smooth transition from Renaissance & Reformation.  Can I ask you how much time it takes to print and plan etc... Typically, I would just print through Fedex but it looks as though I would have to print some on various card stock and such... 



Planning for next year...


My 4th grader loves Project Passport more than any history program we've ever done. We are about done with the Middle Ages unit and will start Renaissance and Reformation in a couple of weeks. We'll be done with that by summer and that's the last unit they'll have available.


He can not stand it when I read a non-fiction spine to him, or at least, A Child's History of the World made him cry. :huh: So, now he's not to open to the idea of Story of the World either. He loves projects. I like Project Passport, because while it's a ton of work to print out and set up, once I have that all done, it's very easy to use and does not take up a ton of our time. I have to really streamline things since I have several kids I'm hsing, and I have a 3 yr old, and an overview of history is fine with me right now, and is not our focus.


Any ideas on what we could use after Project Passport?


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Just when I think I know what I want to use for ever you go and post this LOL... I am looking at Homeschool in the Woods now!  and at their samples... it does look like moving through their time travelers series will flow as a smooth transition from Renaissance & Reformation.  Can I ask you how much time it takes to print and plan etc... Typically, I would just print through Fedex but it looks as though I would have to print some on various card stock and such... 




It takes awhile to print, it's a ton of printing! Honestly, that part drove me nuts. But once that was done, I organized it all quickly and it's easy to use after that. You do need to gather supplies for the projects too. I put my kids in charge of making a list of supplies from the projects they wanted to do. Printer ink, cardstock, laminating sheets, and things for the projects makes this much more expensive than it first appears with the initial purchase of the cd. But, it's been well worth it for us!

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Thank you for the suggestions, ladies! I'm going to look at Diana Waring and Learning Adventures, but I prefer something that's secular or that I can secularize. I had wanted to use TOG and purchased a unit, which I like a lot, and it has the projects they love. But, we tried Y1U1, and it's so Biblically focused that it wasn't working for us. I had thought of doing something else for Ancients and then going on to year 2, but TOG is so involved and I'm realizing that I need to keep history simple if we want time to do all the science programs my kids want to do, they much prefer science. That's hard for me, I love history, but this is their education, and I can't do it all.

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