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Lukeion Latin 3 who has BTDT?

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I have a decision to make about whether or not Ds will continue with Latin 3 through Lukeion next year.  He spends quite a bit of time on Latin 2 this year and I do worry that his other subjects may suffer if he continues with Latin.  However, I see how well taught the Lukeion classes are and I would hate for him to just stop cold and lose all that he has learned.  


Otoh, I don't want him to be completely overwhelmed, have no time for extracurriculars and little time for other subjects that may need extra attention.  Ds is not thrilled with the idea of continuing b/c he thinks it will impact other coursework and he has some goals for extracurriculars that will probably require significant time.  The early bird deadline is approaching (as mentioned in another thread).  Decisions, decisions...


I found this thread from last year.  Are peer reviews still happening in this class?  Anyone have anything to add?  

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As I posted on the thread you linked to, I have one for whom Lukeion is a great fit, and one that isn't.  My second one has a high "A" in VPSA Latin I which also uses Wheelock, but it isn't as demanding as Lukeion.  My current plan is to keep them with VPSA, taking their "Christian Authors" and "Classical Authors" classes after Latin II next school year. That will give them 4 years of high school Latin, which is my goal for them. One is an AP Latin kid, and one isn't.  And that's fine.


And yes, the peer reviews are still very much a part of how they teach.  That thread is actually from 2014, so it is current information.


Of course there are other providers out there that do lighter Latin 3 / Latin 4 as well. 



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As I posted on the thread you linked to, I have one for whom Lukeion is a great fit, and one that isn't.  My second one has a high "A" in VPSA Latin I which also uses Wheelock, but it isn't as demanding as Lukeion.  My current plan is to keep them with VPSA, taking their "Christian Authors" and "Classical Authors" classes after Latin II next school year. That will give them 4 years of high school Latin, which is my goal for them. One is an AP Latin kid, and one isn't.  And that's fine.


And yes, the peer reviews are still very much a part of how they teach.  That thread is actually from 2014, so it is current information.


Of course there are other providers out there that do lighter Latin 3 / Latin 4 as well. 

Oops.  I only looked at the OP which was 2012.  You are right, it's a current thread.  


I am not really sure if Ds is an AP student or not.  He has a solid A in Latin 2b, and received an A+ in 2a and Latin 1.  I think we basically have to decide where he's headed with Latin at this point--whether he's going for the AP exam or just fulfilling a requirement.


What other providers besides VP?

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We're in the same boat.  It will be dd's senior year, so going forward with Latin 3 means a year of Latin, working on music auditions/orchestras, a few core courses, and light on everything else.  However, dd, who is in the Wednesday class and just walked in, says your son should "keep going" because Latin 1 and 2 have put the foundation in place for translating.  As she puts it, "What's the point of just getting through Wheelock?"

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We're in the same boat.  It will be dd's senior year, so going forward with Latin 3 means a year of Latin, working on music auditions/orchestras, a few core courses, and light on everything else.  However, dd, who is in the Wednesday class and just walked in, says your son should "keep going" because Latin 1 and 2 have put the foundation in place for translating.  As she puts it, "What's the point of just getting through Wheelock?"

And that is my thinking too (Dh's as well).  Ds is complaining about the workload.  He will have a Chemistry class, which will be a difficult course for him, and I was considering AP Lang & Comp.


Am I understanding correctly that your Dd is electing to move forward then?


ETA: Completing Latin work on time and taking quizzes has been a huge problem with extracurriculars this year and has caused Ds to miss out on opportunities.  That is his reason for not being thrilled about Latin 3.  There have been times when our entire family is participating in an event and he had to stay home b/c of Latin.

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Yes, she is moving forward.  We've had the same issues with extracurricular opportunities (missing out that is), but she is still moving forward.


With the three courses you have described, your son is looking at possibly six hours per day for three courses.  Although dd will not be taking AP English, she will be taking the Barr's Advanced Research Writing during the spring semester.  She, too, will be taking a tough Chemistry class and trying to squeeze in Advanced Biology.


Choosing to go forward with Latin 3 has been a tough decision, but in the end, dd doesn't want to let go of the standard set by Lukeion.  In some ways, success with that standard has given her the confidence to go forward with other challenges.



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What other providers besides VP?

There are boat loads of other providers. They're not going to be as demanding as Lukeion which seems to be the gold standard of Latin learning.


Off the top of my head (and I'm sure missing many):










all offer online classes with live meetings.






have diy options that have a lesson plan and grant credit for upper level Latin classes. I've been looking at all of Trinqueta's options for Latin and I've checked these out as possibilities.

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Yes, she is moving forward.  We've had the same issues with extracurricular opportunities (missing out that is), but she is still moving forward.


I'm glad to hear that we aren't the only ones.  Well, maybe not glad, but I can relate.


With the three courses you have described, your son is looking at possibly six hours per day for three courses.  Although dd will not be taking AP English, she will be taking the Barr's Advanced Research Writing during the spring semester.  She, too, will be taking a tough Chemistry class and trying to squeeze in Advanced Biology.


I had estimated the same amount of time for the 3 courses, and have been irritated at the thought that it would mean the subjects I cover at home are going to get the short end...again.


Choosing to go forward with Latin 3 has been a tough decision, but in the end, dd doesn't want to let go of the standard set by Lukeion.  In some ways, success with that standard has given her the confidence to go forward with other challenges.


At least your Dd has made the decision.  Ds is the one dragging his feet here.  I wish he would decide to move ahead.


Thanks to all for the list of providers!  I'll be checking them out. 

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I'm wondering, do kids in b&m schools face this issue with extracurriculars?  I would think they would b/c due dates are due dates.  I wouldn't think any special arrangements would be made.  And I notice that as kids get to high school level they begin dropping from 4h like flies.  Only a few make it through b/c they have so much schoolwork to do and may have high school sports or other activities.  Maybe I should post thoughts about workload vs. extracurriculars in another post.

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Fwiw I was reminded again last week how distracting it is to have a computer open while ds's work on their Latin translations. I had a bit of a foot stomping last week because their translation time was dragging on. When the computers were off the work was done in about half the time.

This week again has taken much less time.


I offered them the out that it might just be a slower process going directly to the screen but they both admitted that they just got easily distracted. Might only be at our house but I wanted to toss it out there.

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Yes, students have the same decisions to make in b&m schools.  Dd has friends who have dropped extras and even some classes, especially when they get to the junior and senior years. Both of us have had to let go of ideas for this year and next.  There are only so many hours in the day.  Now if we did a gap year... Nah, we are both ready to move on.

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Yes, students have the same decisions to make in b&m schools.  Dd has friends who have dropped extras and even some classes, especially when they get to the junior and senior years. Both of us have had to let go of ideas for this year and next.  There are only so many hours in the day.  Now if we did a gap year... Nah, we are both ready to move on.

I've entertained the same idea and come to the same conclusion.  Great minds, you know!


I hate making decisions.  We've let go of some things too.  


Sebastian--on the translations--Ds does not have the computer open.  He does them on paper first and types them Thurs or sometimes Friday morning.  I've often thought it would be a simpler process and take less time if he typed them directly into the computer as he does the work.  You've got me thinking, though, that I should really examine Ds's weekly time spent on Latin and see if it can be streamlined in any way, also see just how much time we are talking about.  That would help in decision making.

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No matter how we've tried to juggle it, dd needs 1.5 to 2 hours to do well with Lukeion, especially with the amount of homework for 2b and NLE prep.  Like your son, she does her translations on paper for the most part, types/edits them, and then cuts and pastes onto the homework page.  She does split her time to keep her focus.  Quiz Monday morning, start new chapter Monday afternoon, homework Tuesday morning and afternoon, class Wednesday morning and homework in the afternoon, finish/type homework on Thursday and study, etc.  It's a routine like anything else.  Her music is like that as well -- two sessions, one in the morning and afternoon.  If she doesn't dawdle and/or daydream, she can finish all subjects by the late afternoon.  It's taken a while for that concept to sink in!! 

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No matter how we've tried to juggle it, dd needs 1.5 to 2 hours to do well with Lukeion, especially with the amount of homework for 2b and NLE prep.  Like your son, she does her translations on paper for the most part, types/edits them, and then cuts and pastes onto the homework page.  She does split her time to keep her focus.  Quiz Monday morning, start new chapter Monday afternoon, homework Tuesday morning and afternoon, class Wednesday morning and homework in the afternoon, finish/type homework on Thursday and study, etc.  It's a routine like anything else.  Her music is like that as well -- two sessions, one in the morning and afternoon.  If she doesn't dawdle and/or daydream, she can finish all subjects by the late afternoon.  It's taken a while for that concept to sink in!! 

Well, you are just backing up what Ds is saying to me (and what I've witnessed), though I think some days he takes even longer.  

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So for Latin 2b, "1.5 to 2 hours" means per day, 5 days/week?  That's about what my son is spending on Greek 1.


Is there NLE prep in addition to regular Latin 2b work?  Will she be taking NLE Level 2?


Maybe I should start a new thread, but I was also interested in approximate times for Latin 3 and Greek 2. I'm assuming it would be about the same as Greek 1: 1.5 to 2 hours/day, 5 days/week?  My boys are looking at doing Latin 3 and one of my boys also wants to continue with Greek 2.  If they do that, I know we'll need to be careful how much time we can plan to put into other subjects. It's going to be a tight squeeze.

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Yes, about 1.5 to 2 hours per day which includes NLE 2. She also puts in time on the weekends when needed. Other subjects can take that amt. of time as well. Now that she is in the second year with Lukeion, she has a routine and understands what is required for good grades. This is true for most subjects. Use the materials for a while, get a routine, etc.

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DS is in Latin 3. He does about 6 hours on Mondays and a few more on Tuesday, but then nothing else. Yes, I'm trying to get him to spread his work more but he refuses. 



I'm debating whether we go with Latin4. I have been very happy with Lukeion, it's only the time requirement that would stop him from going with the AP one

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There are boat loads of other providers. They're not going to be as demanding as Lukeion which seems to be the gold standard of Latin learning.


Off the top of my head (and I'm sure missing many):



CLRC looks like it might be a little confusing for a Lukeion student to jump into.  Different materials, different progression.


Henle seems to be the foundation for Memoria's classes.  I think switching might be confusing.


TPS Latin 3/4: Readings looks like a Lukeion student who has completed Latin 2 might be able to fit into this class.  The materials seem to be very close and progression looks similar.


Landry looks like they may offer a good follow up to Lukeion Latin 2.


Again, Henle is used.  


Kolbe--again mostly based on Henle.  Wheelock's is used for Latin 1 & 2 and none of the courses look comparable to Lukeion Latin 3

have diy options that have a lesson plan and grant credit for upper level Latin classes. I've been looking at all of Trinqueta's options for Latin and I've checked these out as possibilities.

I have nothing against Henle, just don't want to switch at this point.  I'm thinking, too that, continuing with the same format, same teacher, same routine (as mentioned by 1Togo) may be easier than trying a completely different provider.


Anyway, from a quick look at the providers listed above, those are my thoughts about a Lukeion student switching.  I'm sure there are kids who switch with no problem at all, and I may be making too big a deal about switching.  I need to spend more time examining options and maybe emailing teachers.  Right now I want to veg as we prepare for the big storm.

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I have nothing against Henle, just don't want to switch at this point.  I'm thinking, too that, continuing with the same format, same teacher, same routine (as mentioned by 1Togo) may be easier than trying a completely different provider.


Well, Latin 3 is a better place to switch than it would be after Latin 1, let's say.

Wheelock is done, and the students are moving on to the Reader. At least, you're not switching mid-curriculum. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Discussed all the possibilities with Ds and Dh last night.  There are many excellent options out there.  in the end Ds decided to move on to Latin 3 with Lukeion.  He wants to have MRs. Barr again and thinks he will do better using a teacher and procedures he knows already.  Now we are quaking over the amount of work he will have next year.  


I'm trying to focus on the positives--enjoying the reading of works great authors in the Latin language, and the quality teaching.


ETA: I was a little miffed at all the work I did researching options, but i guess it was necessary in order to make an informed choice. 

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