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Brst milk storage questions

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Is it still considered safe to freeze milk in ice cube trays after pumping?


It's been a while since I've had to think about that one :D


I never tried it but I would worry about stuff falling into the trays. Can you cover it somehow? I would think as long as everything is clean you would be OK.


I put it in small rubbermaid containers. I have also heard of freezing it right in the Playtex bags but I never had success with this.

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I would think you could freeze it in ice cube trays as long as once they were frozen you took them out and put them in a ziplock or other container. I think if they were stored in the trays they would get freezer goop on them.


I always stored mine in the little plastic bottles that attach to the breast pump.

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Thanks for your quick replies. I would cover the trays, thanks for the reminders.


I went to our local grocery store and they didn't have any milk storage bags. NOR did they have little plastic bottles. Only those fancy schmancy ones. None with a screw on top, only drop ins.


So if I just used snack bags that zip lock they don't have to be freezer if I put them into a larger freezer bag?

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I know lots of people do it but technically breastmilk should not be stored in ice-cube trays, ziplocs or the thin playtex bags because they are not heavy enough and chemicals put off by the freezer can be absorbed through them. At least, that's my understanding. Something open like an icecube tray or something not rigid like a ziploc also open the possibility of contamination. It's better to freeze in pvc-free bottles or something more like the medela bags which are more heavy-duty. If baby is a newborn and/or drinking expressed milk exclusively then glass is preferred because it best preserves the components in breastmilk. If you do want to go with a cheap option like ziplocs it's better to double bag them and put them inside a rigid container (like a tupperware bowl or whatever) with a lid. That will help prevent anything from leeching through and will help prevent tears, spills or contamination.

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I know lot sof people do it but technically breastmilk should not be stored in ice-cube trays, ziplocs or the thin playtex bags because they are not heavy enough and chemicals put off by the freezer can be absorbed through them. At least, that's my understanding. Something open like an icecube tray or not rigid like a ziploc also oopen the possibility of contamination. It's better to freeze in pvc-free bottles or something more like the medela bags which are more heavy-duty. If baby is a newborn and/or drinking expressed milk exclusively then glass is preferred because it best preserves the components in breastmilk. If you do want to go with a cheap option like ziplocs it's better to double bag them and put them inside a rigid container (like a tupperware bowl or whatever) with a lid. That will help prevent anything from leeching through and will help prevent tears, spills or contamination.



Glass is the way to go if you can.

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I never stored mine for more than a week or so, but I used different storage options with all 3 of my kids.


For the first, I used plastic bottles. Ick. I'll never do that again. I just didn't like the way the milk smelled when I used it after storing it a few days.


For my second child, I used glass bottles. MUCH better short-term/refrigerator storage option. Not so great for freezing, unless you like broken glass in your freezer.


For my youngest, I used the bm storage bags. I loved them, the babysitter loved them, they were great for freezing and refrigerator storage. The only problem with plastic bags is that some of the "good stuff" in the milk can be lost AND you have to be super careful to shake well then immediately put in the bottle for service - otherwise, you lose a lot of the fats.


If I have another, I'm going the bag route again.

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An aside...what's freezer goop???:001_huh:


Don't worry, it has nothing to do with placentas. :tongue_smilie:


:lol: You know, that layer of frosty stuff that builds up in the freezer? I'm always surprised when I clean mine out how yucky it can get. I hope I'm not the only one with a sometimes dirty freezer...:blushing:

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