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Dental Questions

Jean in Newcastle

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1.  If you are currently taking antibiotics, can a dentist still see if you have an abscess or cavities?


2.  If a previous dentist told you that you had problems that you are not sure you have, should you tell the dentist you are going to for a second opinion or should you just see what they say without any prompting?




I have been sick since the week before Christmas with a sinus and throat infection.  I've  had one week on one antibiotic, one week on prednisone, and now 1 1/2 weeks on a stronger antibiotic (with 1 1/2 more weeks still to go).  I still have some sinus and jaw/gum pain.  I don't know if the jaw pain is referred pain or something related to teeth.  


I was going to a dentist that provided dental care at a discount (with a discount dental plan).  He started out being great but in the last couple of years I've lost a bit of trust in him.  Last year he told me that my previously pretty healthy teeth had a bunch of cavities.  I glanced at the x-rays and honestly couldn't really see what he said that he saw.  I let him fill two teeth that he said were the worst but didn't do the other work.  The area where I have the jaw/gum pain is right where he did the work.  I have never had any kind of pain in the other areas where he said that I had cavities.  



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I would not tell this dentist what the other one said, if at all, until after this one has done his x-rays and examination.


I don't think it matters if you are on antibiotics.  Just go to the dentist, tell him you are on antibiotics, and if it is a problem, he'll let you know.  Find out if part of your pain is caused by dental issues.  A person can only take so much pain, and maybe this visit will lead to alleviating some of it.


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Did your pain come on after he did the cavities? If so, I would think that the pain is related to his work.


I would tell the dentist that I am there for a second opinion and let him do an examination without telling specifics.


Is the jaw pain coming from gum pain? 


You can be on antibiotics for dental work. In fact, the dentist has given me antibiotics for infections of the gum. 

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It's possible antibiotics may not help an abscess since it requires blood flow to reach into where pocket of infection is.   If truly an abscess it could require physical drainage.



I would be inclined to be upfront with the new dentist if you truly want a second opinion, and want them to specifically look for whether or not a course of treatment is appropriate

or not.   I think it's just a courtesy; and helpful during to them during the exam.

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I think different types of dentists have different x-rays.... Dh was working on needing a root canal. Pain. Went to dentist, on a Thursday afternoon. Dentist took x-ray, said it was fine. Next morning, more pain, off to (whatever the root canal dentist is called). He takes x-rays, and then stays past closing time (noon) to do an emergency root canal. There was no way dh was fine when x-ray was done on Thursday!


ADDING: Then he was put on Clindamycin (don't ever take this, the pharmacist even cautioned us). Bad "big d" I had to put dh on BRAT diet for several days, get bentonite clay, expensive probiotics. Yep, pharmacist said that one was bad for c-diff, we were working on it...

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The x-rays I had done today were superior to the x-rays I had done at the other dentist.  I asked specifically about the technology because even I could see that it was different.  While I did not tell them what the other dentist said, I did ask them to especially check certain areas for certain problems.  The dentist I saw today is I one that I used to go to years ago when I had better insurance - they have much better reviews than the cheaper dentist.  The cheaper dentist's office is the one whose receptionist has been stalking me (calling me repeatedly to try and get me to make an appointment) - I'm guessing that they need more money.  

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