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Pride & Prejudice board book (and other classic lit) -- BabyLit

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Have y'all seen these adorable board books from a company called BabyLit?  My library just got in the Pride & Prejudice counting primer and it is PRECIOUS!  


All my kids can count.... but I want it for myself.

There's also a box set that comes with paper dolls (or something like that) to go with the story.


Other titles include:  Huckleberry Finn, Jabberwocky, Anna Karenina (!? :huh: !), Romeo & Juliet, Jane Eyre (! :drool: !)


I could totally get carried away with these....

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Reading the website provides endless entertainment. These sound absolutely awful somehow.

Jane Eyre (! :drool: !)

"Count candles, chalkboards, pearls, and books on your adventure through Mr. Rochester’s mysterious manor," says the website. Aw, c'mon, not screams from the insane first wife?!


Romeo and Juliet?! "Count friends, kisses, love letters, and roses in this charming retelling of Shakespeare’s famous story of young love. " Or just count dead bodies instead. 


Sense and Sensibility?! "Learn the difference between big Norland Park and little Barton Cottage, happy Mr. Willoughby and sad Colonel Brandon, while hoping that one day Elinor and Marianne will leave their single days behind them and celebrate worthy marriages." Oh! I see, opposites like spinster / bride.


Dracula?! "Make sure you’re wearing a necklace of 10 garlic flowers as you count wolves, ships, tombstones, and boxes full of soil in this witty retelling of Little Master Stoker’s classic gothic tale." 


Huck Finn: "Jennifer Adams’s carefully curated quotations from the original text will have parents reading with the soft, twangy accent of Mark Twain." At least none of the British books inspire fake accents.  


Here's my suggestion for  Moby Dick: It's not a naughty word any more!

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We have four of them. Jane Eyre, Pride and Prejudice, Alice in Wonderland, and Sense and Sensibility. They're adorable, but of course they are more for me than they are for the baby. Although I have to say my daughter is learning the important things in life, like that Mr. Darcy has 10,000 pounds a year and that Elizabeth received a total of four marriage proposals. :)


ETA: Sorry, that would be three for Elizabeth, and one for Jane. And none for Gretchen Wieners.

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