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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Normally I would have church on here at the top of the list, but not tomorrow.  I am so tired that I am staying home.  I really hope that I will start to get better soon.


Clean kitchen

Laundry - tons of clothes to fold and put away

Get better

Not sure what else.  I'll probably have to cook at some point.


I am also going to start my own personal blood sugar monitoring challenge.  I do monitor every morning but I need to monitor 2 hours post prandial throughout the day.  When I do so, I tend to monitor my own intake naturally so as to stay within normal blood sugars.  

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Just got home from the out of town wedding. Should go to bed but now I am wide awake...tomorrow...church, I will be cooking something nice while dh will be watching the football game. Ugh, I may have to clean the floor and there will likely be laundry.

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Good morning,Jean (and the rest of you gals!) I always look forward to your tackling posts. It's like a group huddle before starting the day.


Well, we'll be going to church today. I teach children's church this week. Other than that, this will be a day of rest. Obviously, football games will be watched, I may continue to do a bit of planning on our garden. We're in a severe drought right now (we've had absolutely no rain since before Thanksgiving), so we have to prioritize. Hubby's not happy because his lawn is his baby, but a lawn does nothing and uses a tremendous amount of water, and I'm getting on him about that. I don't know what they're going to do to make us conserve but my gut feeling is they're going to raise our water rates exorbitantly to force us to conserve.

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Today will be a relaxed-ish (:lol:) day:


--get totes at Target for the the American Girl things (Luckymama weeps...)

--Costco while we're in that area

--dd18 will help dd14 pack the things away (hey, half the dolls and stuff belongs to her!)

--the girls will think about how dd14 will rearrange her room after out IKEA run tomorrow (getting dd a proper desk etc)




--post to Book a Week thread


No cooking for dinner tonight--we ordered subs from dnephew's Boy Scout troop so I just have to cut up some fruit and make a veg :D

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We did some chores as a family. 

Boys are doing somethig on the computer. Whenever they play on the computer it makes me want to go to the library. But I have no reason to do so. 


Plans for today:


- Finish cleaning the kitchen

- Finish playing the boardgame Eclipse, and hopefully play another board game.

- Make sushi (as in maki rolls) 
- Eat sushi


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worked a 9 hour shift, meaning I didn't finish work until 4pm and even then boss was ticked I was leaving at that time. I only had a 5 minute break all day and she griped for 30 minutes about it calling me lazy, and when I said it was the first time I had sat down since 7am (it was 1130 at the time) she claimed she didn't believe me, she "knows" I was sitting around the whole shift.  She had been in the building all of 30 seconds when she started in.  I was ready to quit and walk out but I need the money and jobs are in short supply in this town so I am stuck with toxic boss for the time being. (last night she texted the other cook that quit to tell her what a bad mom she is etc).  Vile, vile woman


Came home, cleaned out the car, tracked down the MIA pizza order we have to submit tomorrow, put a ham in the oven and now checking in online. 

I have to go back to work at 8 to supervise the other employees clean up at the the end of the night so the boss can go home early *eye roll* and then do my cleaning shift, thank goodness tomorrow is payday.



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Home office nearly clean, went into the diner and did the close up and cleaning.  Came home and did a load of dishes, dd14 is switching the laundry to the dryer so I can start a new load before heading off to bed.  Monday is a very busy day again and I need to get some sleep in preparation for it.

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