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favorite Periodic Table resources?


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Doing some planning and gathering periodic table resources to teach my 8th grader before we start on other chemistry related content.  Do you have favorite places to go for this? 


Also, I am trying to decide how long to spend on this.  I don't want to belabor it but I don't want to rush through it either.  Should I cover 3 elements a day..??  2, 1, 10? lol

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Ellen McHenry free downloads for the periodic table. http://www.ellenjmchenry.com/homeschool-freedownloads/chemistry-games/index.php

Nova Elements http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/education/physics/nova-elements.html   there is a free ipad app too that my kids love

Theodore Gray's The Elements http://www.periodictable.com/theelements/pages.html


We also cover ionic bonds, covalent bonds and balancing equations.  My kids have the molecular inorganic/organic model set.

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Doing some planning and gathering periodic table resources to teach my 8th grader before we start on other chemistry related content. Do you have favorite places to go for this?


Also, I am trying to decide how long to spend on this. I don't want to belabor it but I don't want to rush through it either. Should I cover 3 elements a day..?? 2, 1, 10? lol

I highly recommend Ellen McHenry's materials. She covers the elements by family (lanthanides, actinides, ect) after a very creative and effective overview of the whole periodic table and its organization.


I would not go element by element. Frankly, it sounds boring. Everything would blend together and I'm not sure that much would be gained in the end.

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We are doing a 12-week chemistry unit right now that includes: McHenry's The Elements, The Mystery of the Periodic Table, Periodic Quest board game, and Tiner's Exploring the World of Chemistry.  

This seems to be a good mix with great retention from my girls. I do not think you need to go element by element. By simply learning about chemistry, they will become familiar with the various elements.

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We also found a periodic table you can put together like  a puzzle.  We got it for Christmas.  Not sure but maybe from amazon.  We also have periodic table place mats that we can mark on, use as reference during videos and science experiments, etc.  Really sturdy and portable.


I second McHenry, plus  the game Elementeo (a bit easier to learn how to play than some), Nova Elements (watched today and kids had a lot of fun with it), Theodore Grey's The Elements, etc.

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