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Exercise Thread ~ 1/5 - 1/11


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Yeah, I've had 5 kids, I'm not getting a bikini body. :D  I workout for my health.  I want to be stronger as I get older.  I don't want to be bent over when I'm old. I want to be able to hike when I'm 65.  I want the strength and energy to keep up with grandkids (my youngest will be 9 tomorrow, I'll be 44 this year.  By the time he has kids I'll be old. :laugh: )


I had a good workout today.  It was a kettlebell day.  1 mile run warm up, then 2 x  5 per side TGU's; and I did them.  All.  5 in a row on each side with my 26lb bell.  It felt good. (I'm very pleased with this.  I haven't felt like I was making any strength gains with my upper body, but now I can see that I have).  I also did lunges, chin-ups, swings, squats, push-ups, and crunches.    

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Another reason to work out (and especially concentrate on posture) after lots of babies: http://incontinencehelp.dryforlife.co.uk/posture-and-urinary-incontinence/2009/12/03/


Someone on the chat board had a whole thread about stress incontinence last summer with links about posture that I can no longer remember- but it's what originally motivated me to correct my posture.  I can say that dramatically changing your posture to the point where you maintain it all day works as far as impacting stress incontinence.  Which may be, ahem, too much info.  If so- sorry.  

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