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Need a simple book or way to keep middle school arithmetic fresh while doing algebra!

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Math Minutes does exactly that. It is a workbook of daily worksheets. No teaching, just 10 quick problems per page, designed as a daily warmup. We're using level 6 and each problem spirals through fractions, decimals, percent, etc.  There are also levels 7 and 8 plus one called "middle school".


Samples here, this is level 6, but you can navigate to the other levels too:  http://www.creativeteaching.com/products/math-minutes-6th-grade


Available at any book retailer, Amazon, etc.  Also available from the publisher's website as an ebook if you prefer that format.

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Thanks-any others? These are close to what I need but not exactly (ie-the Math Minutes looks almost perfect but a little too easy, ALEKS is too $$ for a supplement, etc).


Wapati-I can't figure out from the website what level each set of worksheets are for Mathsmate? It does look nice, thanks

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I have used the Mathsmate worksheets recommended above and they are very good for mixed review. There are 32 double sided worksheets in each level. In schools they generally do one a week. The sheets get progressively harder as you go along. They include a variety of pre-algebra, geometry, and prob/stat. questions and there are usually one or two more challenging problems at the end. You can see some sample pages here to get a sense of the proper level.

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Thanks-these helped a lot about Mathsmate and Math Minutes-I do like them both, and think I could use both. Since we're going to do one daily over a couple years (including summers), I could still use more suggestions because we will run out (there are only 32 of each level of the Mathsmate, and yes, the middle school Math Minutes was the one I saw that was too easy, so that only leaves 2 of those to use!)


And I meant to ask if I need a teacher's guide or something separately for the answers to Mathsmate and Math Minutes, or is it included? It looks like at least for Math Minutes, it is separate and $20? Yikes!


I like Kahn but just want a quick and easy daily thing she can do, with mixed practice from 7-8 grade level, and I can't figure out how (or if) that works on Kahn!

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Thanks-these helped a lot about Mathsmate and Math Minutes-I do like them both, and think I could use both. Since we're going to do one daily over a couple years (including summers), I could still use more suggestions because we will run out (there are only 32 of each level of the Mathsmate, and yes, the middle school Math Minutes was the one I saw that was too easy, so that only leaves 2 of those to use!)


And I meant to ask if I need a teacher's guide or something separately for the answers to Mathsmate and Math Minutes, or is it included? It looks like at least for Math Minutes, it is separate and $20? Yikes!


I like Kahn but just want a quick and easy daily thing she can do, with mixed practice from 7-8 grade level, and I can't figure out how (or if) that works on Kahn!


You can use Khan Academy for focused practice.


What I would suggest is that you set up two accounts. One for her and one for you. Then go into your account and send her a coach request, so that you can see her stats.


In her account, go to the dashboard page.  This page lets her pick lessons to work on, or to do mastery challenges. The mastery challenges are 5 problem sets that rotate through a variety of topics. If she gets the question right, then proficiency on that topic increases.

At the top of the dashboard page, there is a drop down menu for "current mission".  It's a little hard to see that there are options there unless you click on it.  Right now mine says "Current Mission Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra" while my son's is set at "World of Math". there is a down arrow (looks like a V) next to the "Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra" title.  If you click on this, you can select a different math mission.  There are several grade levels available, as well as "Algebra", "Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra", and "World of Math".


Where there is overlap between Math Missions, the proficiency is carried over. So if I start with Arithmetic and Pre-Algebra and then switch to 7th grade, the skills that I've done that are also part of 7th grade are already colored in.  The same would happen if your dd started with 7th grade and then moved up to 8th grade as the Math Mission.


If you see that there is a topic that she's forgotten or hadn't mastered, you could also just assign that topic.


Hope this helps.  My understanding is that in early spring, Khan Academy is coming out with ways for coaches to assign more specific study tracks. There is currently a "Goals" function, but I think that will be going away.

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And I meant to ask if I need a teacher's guide or something separately for the answers to Mathsmate and Math Minutes, or is it included? It looks like at least for Math Minutes, it is separate and $20? Yikes!


Answer key is in the back of each Math Minute book. 

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